Home Ad Exchange News Adap.TV’s Video Ad Insurance; Anti-Faud Companies On The Rise

Adap.TV’s Video Ad Insurance; Anti-Faud Companies On The Rise


adaptv-partnesHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Video Ad Insurance

Adap.tv released Advertising Assurance, which it says is a set of measures that seek to protect brand buys in the video marketplace through a collective attack on fraud, visibility and placement inaccuracy. To do so, Advertising Assurance is integrating first- and third-party technologies into Adap.tv’s buyer and seller platforms. Adap.tv argues that an open technology platform is essential to combat fraud. Read the post.

When Fraud Is Good For Business

Fraud is bad news for marketers, but some ad tech companies are seeing a silver lining. Companies that offer anti-fraud technology are seeing a major uptick in demand. “It’s obviously creating a big boom for us,” said True[x] CEO Joe Marchese. Other companies combating fraud by linking ad performance to concrete sales are seeing similar interest. AdAge has the story.

Buying Search

Criteo made a small acquisition of a French bid-management search firm called AdQuantic. TechCrunch received confirmation from Criteo, but no terms of the deal were disclosed and no formal announcement has surfaced. With the acquisition Criteo now has access to AdQuantic’s search algorithm, which is steeped in science and math. Read more.

Spam Serving

It’s not necessarily an update on its ads platform, but Facebook is looking to reduce the Page post spam in users’ news feeds.  A Facebook newsroom post explains one  offender — spammy link posts: “Some stories in News Feed use inaccurate language or formatting to try and trick people into clicking through to a website that contains only ads or a combination of frequently circulated content and ads. For instance, often these stories claim to link to a photo album but instead take the viewer to a website with just ads.” Read about the other offenders.

The Paywall of Video Ads

Genesis Media raised $6M in funding to support the ad company’s main product, ContentUnlock, which allows online publishers to display (mostly video) ads to their readers. ContentUnlock works like a paywall, with video ads surfacing intermittently that are contextualized to readers. Genesis Media is working with premium publishers, such as American Media, Bonnier, USA Today Sports and the Smithsonian. Read on.


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