Home Ad Exchange News In Review Of The Right Rail; Classified eBay

In Review Of The Right Rail; Classified eBay


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Right-Rail Longevity

Facebook news-feed ads receive praise from marketers for effectiveness, but the right-rail ads apparently are the display-ad equivalent of the banner ad. They aren’t very effective, writes Ad Age’s Cotton Delo, and advertisers much prefer the successful news-feed retargeting capabilities. Optimal’s Rob Leathern notes, “Before the right-hand rail would go away, Facebook would want to have something that would provide additional inventory possibilities.” Read more.

Real-Time Engagement

Once in a while there’s a huge event like the Olympics or the Oscars, and P&G’s marketing team uses those events to experiment with real-time marketing. The most recent successful campaign was for Pantene on Twitter using a #WantThatHair hashtag that brought a 120% brand lift, according to P&G’s Rotha Penn in an eMarketer article. “It also drove a Promoted Tweet engagement rate of 4.7% that blew Twitter’s CPG benchmark of 1.5% out of the water,” Penn said. Read more.

Reviewing The Retargeting

Facebook ads are getting scrutinized a lot lately, and this time it’s coming from AllThingsD’s Jason Del Ray. His focus is on the retargeting capabilities of Facebook and whether it may start to upset people to see targeted ads on the site. Facebook’s Tim Rathschmidt told Del Ray, “To date, we haven’t seen any meaningful impact on sentiment, and we’re continuing to watch this very closely.” Read more.

Video Drives Growth

Video and mobile Web browsing comprise the the bulk of mobile data traffic, and app use doesn’t seem to be a huge part of data use, according to TechCrunch. “That apps number might seem low, but it’s because of the way we define traffic. If a user downloads the YouTube app, we count the download in the apps traffic, but the subsequent video-streaming traffic it generates is counted in the video numbers.” Read more.

Classified eBay


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Craigslist part-owner eBay is adding to its classified ads “collection” as the company acquired properties in Belgium. Read more from the commerce giant’s blog. Given the data around classified ads, it will be interesting to see if the company can devise a strategy that sheds light on “intent” and is applicable beyond the garage sale world.  Hyperlocal targeting at-scale?

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