Home Ad Exchange News Google CEO Schmidt Talks Targeting, Future; Picard Cites Efficiency In Privacy Missive; Ghostery’s Many Hats Of Data

Google CEO Schmidt Talks Targeting, Future; Picard Cites Efficiency In Privacy Missive; Ghostery’s Many Hats Of Data


Schmidt on Targeting, FutureHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Schmidt on Privacy, Targeting, Future

In a wide-ranging piece on behavioral advertising, consumer privacy and Google’s future (if not everyone’s!) – the Wall Street Journal’s Holman Jenkins talks to Google CEO Eric Schmidt who says, “I don’t believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.” Jenkins then reports more on Schmidt’s view, “He predicts, apparently seriously, that every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends’ social media sites.” Read more.

Addressing Privacy, Picard Cites Efficiency

Microsoft’s Eric Picard provides his personal perspective on the recent consumer privacy debate as it relates to behavioral advertising, cookies, etc., on iMedia Connection. Picard goes beyond the usual reasons that are given for why this data-driven ad world has a silver or benefical lining, “I believe there is incredible value to increasing the effectiveness, reducing inefficiency and increasing the amount of spending we do on advertising as a society. The overall increase in economic value from advertising is something I believe in. And one major way to increase the amount of spending done on advertising is to increase efficiency and decrease waste. That’s where targeting and personalization of advertising are incredibly important.” Read more.

Cyberplex Reports Q2 Post-Tsavo Buy

Toronto-based Cyberplex, which specializes in CPA business, announced its Q2 2010 results which included the acquisition of Tsavo Media.  “Second quarter revenue of $18.2 million was a significant increase over the $12.3 million recorded in the first quarter of 2010 and a decrease from the $25.7 million generated during the same quarter last year.” But, the company adds in the release, “”Overall, the quarter showed significant sequential growth resulting from the acquisition and increased profitability at an adjusted EBITDA level.” Read the release.

The Many Hats Of Data

In a blog post, Better Advertising’s Ghostery crew puts together a great list of “The Many Data Hats a Company Can Wear.” From the post: “But did you know that many of these companies wear multiple “data hats”? One company may be collecting data via 3rd party scripts and at the same time advertising to you. Another could be trading in your data but not collecting it directly.” See the 16 data hats identified.

DSP Buzz In Minneapolis

FRWD reports that last Wednesday’s event in Minneapolis featuring several companies in the data-driven ad space was a success. Among the sound bytes of the conference, “[Keynoter] Joe Zawadzki of MediaMath predicted that the industry transformation from ‘Mad Men to Math Men’ will occur by 2012 at which point ‘Don Draper will be replaced by your high school Dungeon Master.'” Read more on the event.


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The Age of STD

ShopLocal makes available a presentation from Rishad Tobaccowala, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Vivaki, from ShopLocal’s recent summit. In the representation, Tobaccowala says, “We Are Living In An Age Of STD: Seminal; Transformative; Disruptive.”   See it (PDF).

Oracle Vs. Google

The big boys are starting to take more swings at each other as Oracle filed a patent lawsuit against Google last week. Miguel de Icaza looks at the patents in question and predicts: “I would like to think that this is going to be solved with a quick settlement where Oracle will shake Google for a few billion dollars and the entire matter will be put behind. Oracle will likely want to settle with Google under terms that will only cover Google’s own use as they want to go shaking other OEM trees for more cash.” Read more.

On Retargeting: Stalking, Performance

Olivia Solon writes an article on personalized retargeting for Wired in the UK. In addition to the “stalking” element of retargeting, Solon also identifies performance of retartgeting as Michael Steckler, Criteo’s UK Managing Director, told Wired: “Our click through rates are 400-600% higher than standard banner ads.” Read more.

Akamai Insiders Buying

Barron’s notes that Akamai insiders are buying its stock in the public markets as CEO Paul Sagan ($592,800) and new president David Kenny ($969,500) each dipped into their pockets and put their money where there mouth is. Read more (subscription). And, more filings from the SEC.

Looking At EDU Leads

LeadCritic points out a new study from EduDirectResponse which “gives a little insight into the demographics of people filling out lead gen forms.” Among the findings, “Prospective students do not mind entering their email address and other personal
information but feel that their phone number is the most intrusive piece of data they give.” Read more. And, download the report (PDF).

Ad Verification Spotlight

Fuor Digital’s Josh Dreller looks at the ad verification space as part of his ongoing series which breaks down the digital ad ecosystem on iMedia Connection. Mark Ailsworth of ElevationPlus says the raison d’etre of verifiers is that “Advertisers and their agencies are increasingly wary of brand safety online, and they look to verification technology to assuage their concerns.” Read more.

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