Home Ad Exchange News Opera Starts A Mobile Ad Exchange; Dapper And AppNexus Coverage; Orange Ad Network Getting Busy For Brands

Opera Starts A Mobile Ad Exchange; Dapper And AppNexus Coverage; Orange Ad Network Getting Busy For Brands


OperaHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Opera Gets An Ad Exchange

Everybody is starting their own ad exchange. It’s 2007 all over again!  Opera Software says it plans to leverage its own mobile reach to get exchange-y. From the release: “The Open Mobile Ad Exchange makes the world’s largest mobile audience, 66.5 million Opera Mini users, available to advertisers, publishers, and wireless operators. With this launch, Opera opens the world of feature phones, where Opera Mini is the dominant browser, to mobile advertising.” Read about the latest aggregation sensation.

Yahoo! Buys Dapper Round-Up

As announced on the Yahoo! corporate blog, the “Yodel Anecdotal,” Yahoo! bought Dapper to help with creative message for display ads. Read it. The blog points to a post by Dapper founder Eran Shir who writes about why Dapper sold and references the ever-popular Kawaja ecosystem map and writes, “It is quite apparent to anyone looking at this ecosystem that the chances of building a huge business in this market today are extremely small. Aggregating a double digit percentage of the demand or the supply in such a fragmented market is virtually impossible.” Hence, selling to a big partner like Yahoo! where the opportunity for bigger impact exists says Shir. Read it. TechCrunch takes a guess that the acquisition price was somewhere between $20-30 million for Dapper which had received approximately $3 million in venture funding to-date. Read more. VentureBeat says that “Dapper’s vp of product marketing, Amit Kumar previously led Yahoo’s SearchMonkey platform before joining [Dapper] in September and could have been a strong connection in the acquisition.” Read more.

AppNexus Funding Signals Revenue

After corralling a whopping $50 million, TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld writes about the AppNexus funding announcement, “While he won’t disclose specific details, [AppNexus CEO Brian] O’Kelley tells me, ‘We’ve gone crazy on the revenue side in the past year.” He’s also been hiring, going from 23 employees at the beginning of the year to about 65 today.'” Read more. On his popular personal blog, Mike On Ads, AppNexus CTO Mike Nolet announces the funding news and adds, “I think this is a great validation not just of the company, but also of the real-time bidding (RTB) space in general.” Read more.

Stuart Going Mobile

Former IAB Chief Greg Stuart is moving to head a new trade organization, “CEO of the struggling Mobile Marketing Association,” according to ClickZ’s Zach Rodgers who adds, “Stuart faces a challenge at the MMA, since other groups including the IAB have already taken up the rallying cry of mobile and adoption is so widespread that marketers are wide awake to the opportunity.” Read more.

Identifying The Content Challenges

SocialVibe Network Prez Joe Marchese identifies the coming challenges for content owners in his MediaPost column. Viewer engagement issues come to mind and Marchese says, “Digital media in general, and social media specifically, offer an actual solution to the long-time promise of interactive programming. How should you create programming knowing that viewers will have at least two screens, and likely three (television, PC, phone), at their disposal while watching your content?” Read more.


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Foundry Group Raises New Funds

The investment group which has already placed its bets with investments in Triggit and AdMeld announced that it has raised an entirely new $225 million intended for early stage investments. Reuters quotes The Foundry Group’s announcement: “We will continue to do exactly what we have always done: invest in seed and early-stage investment opportunities in the software and IT space that are located across the United States.” Read more.

Orange Ad Network Flexing

The Orange Ad Network is flexing its mobile muscle with Orange Mobile Targeting Monitor (OMTM). According to the release, OMTM is “a new campaign-planning tool for the advertising industry in Europe. (…) The new tool is designed to help brands better understand and target mobile media users.” Some of the findings from the OMTM already include, “In the UK, mobile media use encourages people to watch more television (14 per cent) and surf more on the Internet (25 per cent) – showing synergies for brand communication across multiple platforms.” Read more.

Australia Privacy Concerns

The Sydney Morning Herald has run two articles this week regarding concerns around online ad targeting data.  Echoing similar concerns raised by The Wall Street Journal beginning in August, the Herald notes the prevalence of cookies on Australian websites, “A review of the top 10 most-viewed Australian-owned websites – or those with an Australian subsidiary – revealed a startling picture of this extensive, and increasingly intrusive, practice. Ninemsn.com.au installed the most tracking devices – 109. Bigpond.com had 93 and smh.com.au 86. Google tracks users on the more than 1 million websites that display its advertisements.” Read more from Tuesday. And, read the Wednesday article which loops in BlueKai intent data.

Scale Versus Performance

NetMining’s Dean Vegilante takes on the conundrum of achieving scale versus performance in an article on iMedia Connection. He suggests a plan of attack: “Wrapping remarketing around your contextual ads lets you hone in on people who are more likely to buy, and enables you to create a dialog, drive them to a page, and ultimately convert them into buyers.” Read more.

Reviewing The View-Through

Hollis Thomases reviews the view-through argument bubbling throughout the digital advertising ecosystem in a piece and draws a few conclusions on ClickZ. She provides her own succinct list of “How View-Through Data Should Be Use” including “VT metrics can be looked at independently, or combined with click-through or natural search metrics for any conversion tag; Reach and frequency reports show conversion activity mapped to multiple exposures per user on any of four levels (campaign, site, placement, creative); Site overlap and path-to-conversion reports expose crossover activity between sites.” Read more.

You’re Hired!

Sarah Baehr, the former media lead at Razorfish, has been hires as SVP, director of digital publishing solutions at MediaVest USA. AdWeek says Baehr’s hiring is “is part of a broader effort by the print division to better align with the publishing industry as it embraces an increasing array of digital platforms.” Read more.

Must Read

Comic: What Else? (Google, Jedi Blue, Project Bernanke)

Project Cheat Sheet: A Rundown On All Of Google’s Secret Internal Projects, As Revealed By The DOJ

What do Hercule Poirot, Ben Bernanke, Star Wars and C.S. Lewis have in common? If you’re an ad tech nerd, you’ll know the answer immediately.

shopping cart

The Wonderful Brand Discusses Testing OOH And Online Snack Competition

Wonderful hadn’t done an out-of-home (OOH) marketing push in more than 15 years. That is, until a week ago, when it began a campaign across six major markets to promote its new no-shell pistachio packs.

Google filed a motion to exclude the testimony of any government witnesses who aren’t economists or antitrust experts during the upcoming ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

Google Is Fighting To Keep Ad Tech Execs Off the Stand In Its Upcoming Antitrust Trial

Google doesn’t want AppNexus founder Brian O’Kelley – you know, the godfather of programmatic – to testify during its ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

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How HUMAN Uncovered A Scam Serving 2.5 Billion Ads Per Day To Piracy Sites

Publishers trafficking in pirated movies, TV shows and games sold programmatic ads alongside this stolen content, while using domain cloaking to obscure the “cashout sites” where the ads actually ran.

In 2019, Google moved to a first-price auction and also ceded its last look advantage in AdX, in part because it had to. Most exchanges had already moved to first price.

Thanks To The DOJ, We Now Know What Google Really Thought About Header Bidding

Starting last week and into this week, hundreds of court-filed documents have been unsealed in the lead-up to the Google ad tech antitrust trial – and it’s a bonanza.

Will Alternative TV Currencies Ever Be More Than A Nielsen Add-On?

Ever since Nielsen was dinged for undercounting TV viewers during the pandemic, its competitors have been fighting to convince buyers and sellers alike to adopt them as alternatives. And yet, some industry insiders argue that alt currencies weren’t ever meant to supplant Nielsen.