Home Ad Exchange News Adobe’s Marketing Cloud Business Is Growing; The Trade Desk Amends Its Pre-IPO Filing

Adobe’s Marketing Cloud Business Is Growing; The Trade Desk Amends Its Pre-IPO Filing


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Adobe’s House

Adobe’s Marketing Cloud business grew 10% in Q3, bringing in $404 million across the company’s Campaign, Audience Manager and Media Optimizer products. For full-year 2016, Adobe predicts 20% revenue growth to $1.63 billion. AMC revenue is about double that of Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud, by our calculations. Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen told investors big customer wins including T-Mobile, Nordstrom and Subaru helped accelerate growth. “Virtually every logo we [win] is a multi-solution deal,” he said. Earnings release.


The Trade Desk amended its pre-IPO filing to bump its expected price range from $14-$16 per share to $16-$18 per share, writes Lara O’Reilly at Business Insider. The change could push the company’s market cap over $600 million. Multiple investment analysts tell AdExchanger they expect strong early results from The Trade Desk, but say the company may face margin pressure once its profit is disclosed and agency customers – The Trade Desk’s bread and butter – demand slimmer margins. More.

Restore The Store

Facebook debuted a dynamic ad product for retailers targeting users who are most likely to go to a physical store (based on location and known shopping history) with ads featuring products that are in-stock and most likely to drive a brick-and-mortar visit. It’s a great feature for categories like furniture and fashion, where brick-and-mortar has an edge. “People increasingly want to know in advance of visiting stores if a product is available,” Facebook product manager Joe Devoy tells AdExchanger. “It’s particularly true for the large segment of people who still prefer the in-store shopping experience.” Blog post.

Cross To Bear

Cross-device matching involves solving two problems: identifying a single device and then matching that device to a person. Gartner research VP Martin Kihn details how those scenarios play out using Adelphic’s cross-device matching patent as an example (other vendors like Crosswise, Tapad, Drawbridge and Adbrain have their own unique – but very similar – secret sauce). Kihn unravels the distinct roles of probabilistic and deterministic identifiers in cross-device linking, and harkens to an academic paper from 1969 that provides the foundation for today’s third-party cross-device ecosystem. More.

Home-Field Advantage

A ProPublica study released yesterday finds Amazon’s shopper search algorithm “substantially favors Amazon and sellers it charges for services.” For instance, a search for super glue (among other common household goods ProPublica checked out) returns Amazon’s own sale on the platform, even though the price and shipping costs are double the price of other identical options. Amazon’s “buy box” (suggested results on searches) is possibly the best real estate on the internet, and Amazon is increasingly leveraging that space for its own products. More.


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Pirates And Ad Skippers

Millennials are turning to piracy sites to avoid TV ads, The Wrap reports. A survey by creative agency Anatomy finds 69% of Americans aged 18-24 engage in video piracy on a regular basis. Sixty-three percent of respondents also use an ad blocker to block intrusive ads on piracy sites, revealing a strong correlation and reinforcement between streaming piracy and ad blocking. “You know who has ad block walls? Some of these streaming piracy sites,” said Gabriella Mirabelli, CEO of Anatomy. “So they’re profiting doubly at the expense of the network, in some cases.” More.

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