Home Ad Exchange News IAB And AAAAs Offer T’s And C’s Guidelines; Cisco Entering Ad Exchange Business?; MediaMath Gets Netezza-d

IAB And AAAAs Offer T’s And C’s Guidelines; Cisco Entering Ad Exchange Business?; MediaMath Gets Netezza-d


Here’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Terms and ConditionsYour New T’s And C’s

MediaPost’s Wendy Davis reviews the IAB and AAAAs proposed, new Terms & Conditions guidelines which evidently includes this: “Advertisers (and their agencies) can’t now decide to send a second ad to users simply because they already viewed a first ad at a particular publisher’s site.” Huh? Is everything a frequency cap of 1 now? In Twitter-land, Invizua’s James Sandoval reacted with a tweet thusly, “‘Updated [IAB] Ts & Cs restrict advertisers’ ability to retarget users’ based on ad consumption data; Enforceable? No.” Read MediaPost. And, download the new guide from the IAB (PDF). FYI, you have until January 29 to make a public comment!

Cisco Eyes The Ad Exchange

Rumors! And, this one makes too much sense. Digital-out-of-home (DOOH) site, The DailyDOOH, is reporting that Cisco is about to launch its own DOOH ad exchange. Read more. Can you see Cisco entering the display ad space next year? Buy a DSP or ad network to address another digital channel? As software is at my service – OH yeah!

Social Media And The Ad Network

PalTalk VP Judy Shapiro sees the reach of social media’s opportunity extending into behavioral ad networks in her piece on Ad Age. Shapiro provides a list that includes the following bullet, “Use behaviorally appropriate ad networks as the “carpet layer” of a social-media campaign to deliver large number of impressions similar to the old fashioned GRP (gross rating points) of TV.” Read it.

MediaMath Gets Netezza

MediaMath is putting on Netezza’s TwinFin technology as the company amps up the technology infrastructure for its TerminalOneTM platform. According to the release, MediaMath “has integrated five real-time bidding sources.” Netezza is getting busy in the DSP space – earlier in the year the company announced its deal with AppNexus. Read more on the MediaMath deal.

The Next New Ad Network

Mediaweek’s Mike Shields says that Next New Networks is going to dive at the ad network model with a video version of its own. Shields adds that the company led by former Nickelodeon exec Herb Scannell is also looking at distributing its video content – similar to BBE. Read more.


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UK Buzzing About Exchange Biz

Paul Silver from MEC Manchester climbs the podium at Farney Media and provides his take on how demand-side platforms and real-time bidding will have more UK agencies taking their media buying to ad exchanges. Read it.

Search Is Your Ad Daddy

Ramp’s Jonathan Mendez declares on his blog that all media roads point to search. In discussing the unparalleled market timing capabilities of search, Mendez writes, “In the ever time-fractured, 24/7 connected, media onslaught world we live in, this kind of pull only gets MORE valuable.” And then, he lowers the boom at the end, “I predict by 2015 Search will be bigger than Display, Email & Social Media combined.” Read about Search Daddy.

Wanna GCN Tip?

From Google Agency Ad Solutions Blog, Aman Govil, product marketing guy from Google Content Network (GCN), offers links to hot-off-the-presses YouTube how-to videos on GCN including a video on keywords for ad groups that target GCN. More for the neophyte, there may be a nugget there for you. You be the judge.

Drilling On The Jargon

Earned media, paid media, owned media – in 2009, each of these has bubbled up says Forrester’s Sean Corcoran. But does anyone know what the hell these terms mean? Can you define it? If not, you’re in luck as Sean and his research SWAT team have fanned out and created an easy “grid of understanding” with definitions. Read more.

You’re Hired!

Targeting firm OwnerIQ announced (PDF) that it has hired Robert Daniel who will take the role of EVP of sales and be based in NYC. Daniel is formerly of ContextWeb and Ad.com. Joseph Kaddis has been hired as VP of sales at Yieldex. He was most recently VP of sales at Authoria, a “talent management SaaS provider.”

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Google Is Fighting To Keep Ad Tech Execs Off the Stand In Its Upcoming Antitrust Trial

Google doesn’t want AppNexus founder Brian O’Kelley – you know, the godfather of programmatic – to testify during its ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

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