Home Ad Exchange News Ad Exchange Links for Thursday, April 30

Ad Exchange Links for Thursday, April 30


Ad ExchangesContextWeb announced that it will allow real-time bidding on its inventory through an API. It’s unclear from the press release if the API is currently “live” to clients. Nevertheless, this could be an exciting opportunity for advertisers who will be able to optimize on the “demand” end.

“With ADSDAQ’s Real Time API, the ADSDAQ Exchange will offer pre-filtered ad impressions to the buyer with HTTP parameters and a referrer URL or Publisher ID, the User’s IP address, anonymized cookie ID of the user and any ad unit restrictions (restricted advertisers, creative types, product verticals). “

Tim Armstrong lives! Platform-A gave Greg Coleman his second severance package in two years according to Kara Swisher at All Things D. Perhaps Coleman will return to NetSeer where he worked until he left for Platform-A? At Yahoo! Coleman was EVP for Global Sales and took Yahoo!’s ad sales from $500M to nearly $7B in seven-years. Jeff Levick, formerly of Google, will replace Coleman.

In another All Things D scoop, Peter Kafka says David Rosenblatt, who gave broad strokes of Google’s coming ad exchange strategy at the IAB conference in February, is leaving Google but isn’t saying where he’s going. Sounds like another, new AOL-er is on its way.

And if you haven’t seen it, bits and pieces of the new Google DoubleClick AdX ad exchange are surfacing. DoubleClick AdX 2.0 details are available in bread crumb format as key benefits to 2.0 (Did Tim O’Reilly get spiffed?) include:

  • More buyers and sellers
  • Better monetization
  • New, streamlined user interface
  • Simplified steps for creating ad units
  • Improved creative review and blocking
  • Improved reporting system

Publicis CEO Maurice Levy intimated that Vivaki (maybe the Nerve Center?) is making money in saying to AdAge, “VivaKi is starting to show some positive results. Direct and CRM are doing well and on a slight upswing.”

Finally, ClickZ reports that Yahoo! has a patent-infringement suit on its hands for some behavioral targeting technology acquired in the Blue Lithium purchase in 2007 and is evidently integrated in Yahoo!’s APT Platform.

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