Home Ad Exchange News ComScore Sees 1 Trillion U.S. Display Impressions; IAB Sees $5 Billion + In Ad Spend; VC See More “Up” Rounds

ComScore Sees 1 Trillion U.S. Display Impressions; IAB Sees $5 Billion + In Ad Spend; VC See More “Up” Rounds


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ComScore: Big Numbers For Display

ComScore put out a monster figure that Americans received 1 trillion display in the first quarter of 2010. Not billion, TRILLION. How many were teeth whitening ads? -Not sure, but the company estimated, “Total U.S. display ad spending in Q1 reached an estimated $2.7 billion, with the average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) equal to $2.48.” Read the release.

More Numbers, More Spending!

The IAB in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers said, “Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. hit $5.9 billion for the first quarter of 2010, representing a 7.5 percent increase over the same period in 2009.” Read all the facts and figures here. A nice spend trend chart for the past years is here from the IAB.

Valuing Video Interactions

What is a video interaction worth? Alex Rowland of AlphaBird tries to answer this question in an opinion piece on MediaPost. This fits in with the overall conundrum about valuing data since an interaction is a data point. Rowland offers a nice graphic on “Video Engagements Relationship To Price” and recommends buyers try and test different placements over time to help with the valuation process. Read more.

An Analytic View On Display

Monster Worldwide’s senior director of global site analytics, Judah Phillips, is interviewed on IQ Workforce and says in response to a question about the innovation in display today, “Targeting is interesting, but it’s really just (and I use the word “just” very, very, very lightly) an exercise in advanced audience segmentation and automation serving ads to cookies. Quantcast has the potential to rock the world with their targeting platform. Ad networks are interesting to me, but a more compelling topic these days in the media space are ad exchanges and how you optimize your media spend with them.” Read more.

PointRoll Absorbs Ripple6

Gannett, which has made a significant investment in ad technology tools, announced that it was combining PointRoll, a rich media technology company, and Ripple6, a social media monitoring service. Ripple6 will now fall under PointRoll’s purview and be known as PointRoll’s social division. Read more from Kate Kaye on ClickZ.


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Facebook Privacy Chart

Facebook is under attack from all corners of the media for their privacy-related initiatives. The New York Times looks at how Facebook’s privacy policy has become increasingly bigger over the past few years and more complex. The suggestion being that the company’s thoughts on privacy and true strategic intentions are more opaque than ever. See it.

Open Facebook

Seeing an opening, several NYU students have banded together determined to create the next Facebook – open-style. (still not clear what that means.) They are asking for donations through a micro-funding organization, Kickstarter, and have already raised over $100,000 according to TechCrunch – helped in part by an article in The New York Times (here). Read more on TechCrunch.

Video Ads Looking Up, Too

Accustream Research says that “Revenue from online video advertising networks — typically the lowest-priced digital content for marketers — is due to grow 41% in 2010 over last year to $377 million.” Read more on MediaPost.

Rubicon Project Sees Ad Spend Momentum

The Rubicon Project has released its “Q1 2010 Online Advertising Market Report” and says that online ad spending is up 25% year over year for the 20 web publishers it tracks for the report. And there appears to be momentum as the report adds, “March of 2010, on average, was 38% stronger than January 2010.” See the release. And, download the PDF.

How’s Venture Looking?

Looking good. TechFlash’s John Cook looks at a study that shows the venture capital world has seen an increase in up rounds: “The number of “up” rounds — those venture capital deals completed at a higher valuation than the previous round — increased to 58 percent of all deals during the first quarter of the year.” Read the article. And, see the study he references (PDF).

Yahoo! Gets Steele

Yahoo! is hiring. In Ad Age, Michael Learmonth covers the hiring of former Tremor Media marketing VP Shane Steele by Yahoo!. Learmonth says Steele will “oversee Yahoo’s business-to-business marketing, including trade advertising, social-media marketing and Yahoo’s advertiser portal.” Read more.

Must Read

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