Home Ad Exchange News ComScore, Omniture, Adobe – Oh My; New Yahoo! Marketing Launches; Donovan Data Systems Takes Step

ComScore, Omniture, Adobe – Oh My; New Yahoo! Marketing Launches; Donovan Data Systems Takes Step


Here’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Comscore and OmnitureComScore and Omniture (and Adobe)

Fresh off being acquired by Adobe, Omniture announced a new partnership with ComScore aimed at unifiying reporting of website analytics and audience measurement. Is this another step toward a better attribution model? It can’t hurt. Jonathan Mendez tweets that pubs aren’t going to like the lower reporting of web analytics. Read the release.

It Isn’t Me?

“It’s You” is the new, huge marketing campaign aimed and reinvigorating the Yahoo! brand message according to an article by Suzanne Vranica and Jessica Vascellaro in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. Leading the creative charge is WPP’s Ogilvy and Mather. Read more. Given the Yahoo! portal’s nearly 100% reach of the U.S. audience as well as competitive reach numbers for worldwide users, a remarketing, display ad campaign bought through various supply sources including the Right Media Exchange and DoubleClick Ad Exchange would seem in order. Who’s on this?

Donovan Takes EDI Step

Donovan Data Systems (DDS) announced the launch of new functionality for it’s iDesk product which it says will create efficiency in the RFP and subsequent billing process. DDS said in the release, “The exchange of data between agencies and digital publishers around the request for proposal (RFP) was manually intensive and error prone, leading to poor communication and inefficient buying and selling.” By connecting their Operative Dashboard product with iDesk they hope to fix the system as part of an overall effort to integrate EDI by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Read the release.

Adify Launches Really Big Ads

Ads keep getting bigger. Wonder what the user is thinking about this? Well, they better like ’em – or else goodbye fuzzy, warm feelings for your brand. Yesterday, Adify announced “six new ad units include a push-down unit, a floating ad, a sliding billboard” according to Mark Walsh at MediaPost. Read more.

Concerns For The Beleaguered

It seems every article I read about the newspaper industry has the word “beleaguered” right next to it. Editor & Publisher’s Mark Fitzgerald reports that groups are concerned that the Yahoo! Newspaper Consortim will be negatively affected by the merging of search operations under the Microsoft Bing banner. The “groups” are the usual groups. I’m not mentioning their names – they get enough press. Read more.


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Sir Martin By The Numbers

Sir Martin Sorrell has released his latest thoughts on ad spending to Suzanne Vranica and The Wall Street Journal. He is looking for strength to first appear in China and India when ad investment rebounds, and had a good line about U.S. and Europe ad spending: “Flat in the U.S. and Western Europe is the new up.” Read more.

Women In Tech

In the Huffington Post, Maya Baratz looks at the hiring patterns in tech, specifically Silicon Valley, and says that there’s a huge gender gap that continues to persist as evidenced by her recent visits to San Francisco-area tech conferences. She hopes that the Valley will grow out of its “Silicon Ceiling” ways in the future, but doesn’t outline how she thinks that will happen. Read more.

Bogus Ad Spending Numbers?

Perish the thought. Isn’t every ad spend number from Nielsen, eMarketer, Merrill Lynch, BigAbacus.com, etc., correct? Kate Kaye looks at the realities of the advertising spend numbers that get released every week – many based on rate card – and how they may be a bit off. Read more.

(More ComScore) Ad Network Numbers

The results are in for August 2009 and now, to be among the top 25 ad networks, your ad network needs to have a reach of at least 119 million U.S. Uniques (in addition to subscribing to ComScore, if you’re an ad network). Read the release. How times have changed. In 2007, AdBrite was #25 and they had a 71 million U.S. Unique reach.

Two More New Ad Networks

Wait… before anyone calls a “top” for the ad network world, Pulse 360 and ValueClick would like to add two new entries. Pulse 360 announced the launch of a new CPA ad network designed to make performance display marketers happy. Read more from Gavin O’Malley and MediaPost. And, ValueClick was not to be outdone as they announced a new Moms vertical ad network that they say reaches over 17 million moms. Read the release.

NetFlix Prize and Ad Networks

We’re not finished talking ad nets, yet. Andrew Chen looks at the recent NetFlix prize award of $1 million which resulted in a “10.5%” improvement in Netflix recommendation service. As Chen notes, only 10.5% after 3 years of work by teams of technophiles. Chen then compares it to the ad network model which proves that the algorithm isn’t so important. Going forward, he thinks it’s not about the algo for ad networks, but about better inventory and better data. Read more.

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The FTC's latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the "vast surveillance" of consumers.

FTC Denounces Social Media And Video Streaming Platforms For ‘Privacy-Invasive’ Data Practices

The FTC’s latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the “vast surveillance” of consumers.

Publishers Feel Seen At The Google Ad Tech Antitrust Trial

Publishers were encouraged to see the DOJ highlight Google’s stranglehold on the ad server market and its attempts to weaken header bidding.

Albert Thompson, Managing Director, Digital at Walton Isaacson

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A comic depiction of Google's ad machine sucking money out of a publisher.

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Comic: The Unified Auction

DOJ vs. Google, Day Four: Behind The Scenes On The Fraught Rollout Of Unified Pricing Rules

On Thursday, the US district court in Alexandria, Virginia boarded a time machine back to April 18, 2019 – the day of a tense meeting between Google and publishers.