Home Ad Exchange News DataXu Unstealths, Announces Havas Deal At TechCrunch 50 (Video)

DataXu Unstealths, Announces Havas Deal At TechCrunch 50 (Video)


DataXuDataXu came out of “stealth mode” today and stormed the stage at Mike Arrington’s TechCrunch 50 talent show. Among the nuggets to come from the presentation was a 150-200% improvement over “traditional” (digital) media buying methods using the DataXu real-time-bidding enabled platform according to presenting DataXu CEO Mike Baker.

Baker also announced DataXu’s first major client, Havas, who will use the company’s technology for exchange buying and optimization. He added in the Q&A that the revenue model is a performance, “wholesale” model based on CPMs and a percentage of the lift.

Just prior to Baker’s Q&A with the TechCrunch review panel, Jason Calacanis tried to get Google’s Marissa Mayer to spill the beans on Google’s DoubleClick AdX 2.0 exchange, but she demurred. It didn’t help that Calacanis asked about Google’s “new ad network,” either.

View the video of the 10-minute presentation with Q&A:

More from Kim-Mai Cutler of Venture Beat. Also, visit the TechCrunch50 site.

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