Home Ad Exchange News DoubleVerify Is Approved Self-Reg Program Provider; Integrate Funds Marketplace; Tracking Vs. Sharing

DoubleVerify Is Approved Self-Reg Program Provider; Integrate Funds Marketplace; Tracking Vs. Sharing


DoubleVerifyHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

DoubleVerify Gets Its DAA Wings

DoubleVerify announced that it has been approved by the Digital Advertising Alliance (IAB, 4As, ANA, DMA, AAF) – which is the same group that approved Better Advertising – as “an approved provider for its Self-Regulatory Program, aimed at protecting consumer privacy online.” What’s more DoubleVerify is giving away its “self reg” business at least for a while as the release states: “DoubleVerify will add the ‘Advertising Option Icon’ into its Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) solution and offer it as a free add-on to verification customers until June 2011. This allows DoubleVerify customers such as marketers, ad networks and DSPs to quickly and easily comply with the industry’s new self-regulatory standards.” Read more.

Please Watch The Video

Taboola (AdExchanger.com Q&A) announced its first international deal with Canadian portal Canoe.ca as the company says it will provide its video recommendation and monetizations services that include two products: “Text2Video, that helps convert article readers to video viewers; and Video2Video, that encourage people watching videos to watch more of them.” Read the release.

For The Last Time, Clicks Suck

Comscore’s Gian Fulgoni goes off on “the click” in a recent Comscore blog post. Lots of great graphs for digital display sellers. Fulgoni writes about a study, “By using a four-week period subsequent to ad exposure, we’re able to tease out the latent impact of advertising and move beyond a measurement of just the immediate impact. In essence, we’ve proved that online display ads work in the same way as traditional media by building sales beyond the initial exposure – and that an immediate click isn’t a relevant metric.” Read it. Domenico Tassone follows this post up with one of his own on his personal blog and references the importance of the viewthrough: He offers, “Viewthrough impact accrues over time, which flies in the face of the commonplace action bias to optimize campaigns on something.” Read his view.

The Cross-Channel Marketplace

The venture funds continue to pour into advertising-related start-ups. A new marketing services company called Integrate in Denver, CO, announced that it has raised $4.25 million in Series A funding to build a business focused on cross-channel media buying and selling through the “Integrate marketplace.” Foundry Group provided this round’s investment. Read the release. And, read more on TechCrunch.

My TV, My Internet

A new Forrester Research report written by Jacqueline Anderson among others  reveals that TV watching and time spent on the Internet are now neck and neck. The LA Times says, “For the first time ever, the average American spends as much time online as watching TV offline — about 13 hours a week.” Read about it. Download the whole report (PDF) on online behaviors.


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The Power of Digital Revenue Allocation

Scout Analytics’ Matt Shanahan continues his series on something he calls The Demand Map which describes “how the unit cost of engagement can be calculated (i.e., engagement divided by revenue during the period) and used to identify which licenses or ad orders are incorrectly priced.” See his data viz tool and read how he thinks this helps publishers make money. Visit now.

Tracking Vs. Sharing

The mysterious editor of popular affiliate newsletter blog, Digital Moses, provides a “pro ad targeting” point-of-view of the current online privacy debate around behavioral advertising entitled “Tracking Vs. Sharing.” The editor writes, “No one has been truly harmed by ‘tracking.’ It’s tracking’s game to lose. Sharing is here to stay. Want to make money? Get people to share vast amounts of data and create a marketplace. Want to freak people out? Create a marketplace of data independent of the site they share. The difference is perception, and in addition to control, it’s that perception which must be changed. If we don’t change them, the path of least resistance is going to be regulation and restriction.” Read more. (source: Adotas)

iAd Disappointment

Apple is formally taking its iAd format to the iPad says PaidContent’s David Kaplan. He discusses one such ad from Disney, “The ad is promoting the Disney’s Tron Legacy, a big budget science fiction flick that has expectations of blockbuster written all over it, but still might disappoint diehard fans. Just like iAds.” He concludes with a prediction about the iAd platform future, “We could be seeing a very different iAds product, one that’s more like Google’s Android system.” Read more.

Yahoo! Layoffs Imminent

All Things D’s Kara Swisher reports that layoffs of up to 700 people are imminent – as in tomorrow – at Yahoo! and that most of them will occur in the product division. Read more. TechCrunch adds that a few people had already been given the pink slip from the company’s Flickr group as of yesterday. Read it.


If you’re buying through TRAFFIQ’s media platform, you can now get buy against Bizo’s B2B data. According to the release, “Bizo maintains a database of over 85 million business people across the globe, in several dozen industry segments.” Read the release.

But Wait, There’s More!

Must Read

Monopoly Man looks on at the DOJ vs. Google ad tech antitrust trial (comic).

Spicy Quotes You’ll Be Quoting From The Google Ad Tech Antitrust Trial

A lot has already been said and cited during the Google ad tech antitrust trial, with more to come. Here are a few of the most notable quotables from the first two weeks.

The FTC's latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the "vast surveillance" of consumers.

FTC Denounces Social Media And Video Streaming Platforms For ‘Privacy-Invasive’ Data Practices

The FTC’s latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the “vast surveillance” of consumers.

Publishers Feel Seen At The Google Ad Tech Antitrust Trial

Publishers were encouraged to see the DOJ highlight Google’s stranglehold on the ad server market and its attempts to weaken header bidding.

Privacy! Commerce! Connected TV! Read all about it. Subscribe to AdExchanger Newsletters
Albert Thompson, Managing Director, Digital at Walton Isaacson

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A comic depiction of Google's ad machine sucking money out of a publisher.

DOJ vs. Google, Day Five Rewind: Prebid Reality Check, Unfair Rev Share And Jedi Blue (Sorta)

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In the process of the investigation into Google, the Department of Justice unearthed a vast trove of separate evidence. Some of these findings paint a whole new picture of how Google interacts and competes with its main DSP rival, The Trade Desk.