Home Ad Exchange News Google’s Mohan Makes More Ad Predictions; Bizo Opens B2B Exchange

Google’s Mohan Makes More Ad Predictions; Bizo Opens B2B Exchange


Neal MohanHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Predicting Digital

On the DoubleClick For Publisher blog, Google VP of Product Neal Mohan revisits his predictions for ads from a year earlier as well as comments he made at Wednesday’s LUMA Partners’ Digital Media Summit. He also makes new predictions such as: “25% of brands will favor digital ads over all other media. -This is a pretty bold prediction, considering today this number is probably close to none. So why are we so bullish? First, audiences continue to move online: in 2011, households with broadband internet but with no cable TV, increased 23% (Nielsen Cross-Platform Report Q3’11).” Second, YouTube. Third, is measurement. Read all the predictions.


From his Upstream Group blog, Doug Weaver creates the Do-Not-Say List as he is fed up with some industry terms used by sellers. He writes, “I’ve concluded that there are several phrases and terms in our industry that have now lost all meaning and, if used, actually do harm to the seller’s cause.” Full Transparency: this list is brand-safe, speaks to the optimization capabilities of DSPs and their partners, and uses every popular word on AdExchanger. Read it.

B2B Display

B2B data and ad platform Bizo has launched Business Audience Exchange which it says is a real-time bidding (RTB) exchange for display ads which aggregates over 1,000 B2B publishers. Read the release. The company explains that the new exchange is built on AppNexus and that it maintains “publisher integrity through blind access.” B2B publishers enjoy unique, specialized audience. Hence the enhanced importance of publisher controls preventing “data leakage” and channel conflict.

RTB Kool-Aid

Casale Media’s Andrew Casale delivers the real-time bidding gospel in an opinion piece on MediaPost. He doesn’t hold back, “RTB automation will lift CPMs and create new display advertising opportunities, as evidenced by the trend of publishers creating private marketplaces that facilitate direct deals with agencies. These relationships lift a publisher out of the sea of impressions available for bid on open exchanges and create demand by enhancing the overall consideration for the impressions.” Read more.

Charity Audience

The Drum in the UK profiles a digital campaign for an aid group, and they’re using an array of digital ad notables: “The digital campaign combines data and media from Quantcast and Tribal Fusion, with real time advertising bought through MediaMath to reach charity givers, and a TV ad has been created …”. Read more. Audience buying segments include “the generous”.


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The Financial Ad Exchanges

“Ad exchanges are not like the stock market and never will be… thankfully.” This is the title for interclick strategy guy and Yahoo! product VP Jason Lynn’s post on his personal blog as he talks exchanges and audience buying. He concludes, “In the end, we need to stop thinking of ad exchanges as some nascent stock exchange and that the ad whole industry will look like Wall Street in 10 years (thankfully). The reality is that ad placements and financial instruments serve entirely different purposes.” Read it all.

But Wait. There’s More!

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