Home Ad Exchange News BrightRoll, Datalogix For TV Audience Extension; Budget For Banners

BrightRoll, Datalogix For TV Audience Extension; Budget For Banners


Finding TV AudienceHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

BrightRoll Teams With Datalogix

More babysteps for connected TV as a deal was announced yesterday between BrightRoll and Datalogix, which is using TiVo viewing data from 4.2 million U.S. household set-top box devices for its DLX platform. The release states, “With DLX (Datalogix) TV integrated into the BrightRoll network as well as its exchange, advertisers can extend the reach of TV campaigns to viewers who have not seen specific ads and expand messaging frequency to target audiences effectively aligning TV and digital media plans.” Read more.

FB Ad Strategy

Facebook opens the kimono to parts of its “mobile first” advertising platform for a New York Times article. The NYT’s Bruce Chen speaks to a number of FB execs including Gokul Rajaram, product director of ads at Facebook, who says Facebook’s “strategy would mostly focus on so-called sponsored stories, which treat posts from users as ads, amplifying word of mouth. (…) Facebook started using sponsored stories in February, and they now generate about $1 million of revenue a day, about half of which comes from mobile users.” Read more. Rajaram will speak at AdExchanger’s Human Centered Automation conference on Sept. 20.

Budget For Banners

On Ad Age, Allen Wang, CEO of China-based parenting site Babytree, says marketers like Heinz and Procter & Gamble are looking for something more sophisticated online offerings to reach moms in that country: “Advertisers don’t want to just give you a budget for banners. Specifically we’ve noticed three areas where they want more help. They want to send their content to their target audience. They also want to find a specific group of influencers or opinion leaders for their brand. And send products to the women making decisions.” Read it.

Miller Time Over

News Corp. has confirmed that Jon Miller, its chief digital officer, is leaving the company. AllThingsD’s Kara Swisher broke the news and speculates that the departure may be related to News Corp.’s plan to formally split the company into two pieces. She prognosticates about Miller’s future: “Clearly, this is a world Miller will return to easily and it’s likely he’ll be starting something sooner than later. (Maybe bringing the band back together with [former Fuse Capital partner and ex-Yahoo executive Ross] Levinsohn?)” Read more.

The Top 50


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In a press release, comScore EVP of sales Jeff Hackett reviews the top 50 web properties in the U.S. according to comScore data. Download  July’s PDF. The indefatigable Hackett notes the season’s leisurely pace: “With summertime leisure also in full effect, many others took a more laid back approach to their web browsing by visiting community-based interest sites, including Pets and Beauty/Fashion/Style sites.” Download  July’s PDF as you enjoy another gimlet. Also of note, SSP Rubicon Project continues to pay the piper and remains cordoned off in a category known as “Top DSP/SSP/Ad Exchange Entities.” comScore promises – as it did last month (PDF) – that there will be more “entities” in this category in the future.  Sounds mysterious.

Now Playing: In-Image Ads

On ClickZ, GumGum says that it delivered more than 1.4 million ad impressions and a click-through rate of 0.43 percent for in-image ads promoting the film Cosmopolis. Clickz’s Mary Lisbeth D’Amico reports that even though in-text ads are sometimes seen as annoying as gnats buzzing around your head, in-image offers subtler attractions. “We don’t get any hate mail,” claims GumGum CEO Ophir Tanz. “We believe the ad should be in line with the text and relevant to the context. It’s less of a sledgehammer and more of a targeted message.” Read more.

Big Ads!

On its blog, Microsoft Advertising shares performance results of the IAB Rising Stars (big ads!) ad unit it developed – The Filmstrip. Take the Alfa Romeo ad unit for a test drive: “60% of users who interacted with the ad watched the video on the fifth panel right to the end; 9% of unique users who watched the video then clicked through to the Giulietta microsite; Seven minute average ad exposure, 500% longer than the average rich media execution on MSN Homepage for PC.” Read more.

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