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Always Be Tracking; Don’t Discount Streaming Video Services


keepontrackingHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

A Hole In Your Pocket

Networks of smartphone apps have been tracking user locations every three minutes, even when the app isn’t in use. Elizabeth Dwoskin of The Wall Street Journal reports on one mobile data provider, Factual, that is using those location streams for audience targeting (based on, say, a morning commute, or knowing a user goes to the gym five days a week). It’s framed as an opportunity for smaller apps to compete against Facebook and Google. “We’re giving mobile apps the data arsenal they need to thrive in a world increasingly dominated by a handful of giants,” said Factual CEO Gil Elbaz. Will that arsenal be turned on publishers once users catch wind of it? More.

And The Award Goes To…

Cable TV disintegration often seems like a natural force, as inevitable as gravity. But that discredits a lot of the value streaming and OTT players are bringing to the industry. Sarah Perez notes at TechCrunch that Netflix leads the pack with eight Golden Globe nominations this year, with HBO, Showtime and Amazon Prime not far behind. More. You can tweak products and acquire tech, but in the end the best content will win. And ads will follow.

CMO Musical Chairs

Walmart CMO Stephen Quinn has stepped down, the latest in a string of exits of top marketers from major brands, and will be replaced by a marketing wunderkind from Target’s ranks. More in WSJ. Eventually CMO churn will bring more marketing execs with data-driven mindsets, such as Deanie Elsner, the pro-platform former CMO at Kraft who recently jumped to Kellogg’s. The future is never easy.

But Wait, There’s More!

You’re Hired!


Must Read

Inside The Fall Of Oracle’s Advertising Business

By now, the industry is well aware that Oracle, once the most prominent advertising data seller in market, will shut down its advertising division. What’s behind the ignominious end of Oracle Advertising?

Forget about asking for permission to collect cookies. Google will have to ask for permission to not collect them.

Criteo: The Privacy Sandbox Is NOT Ready Yet, But Could Be If Google Makes Certain Changes Soon

If Google were to shut off third-party cookies today and implement the current version of the Privacy Sandbox, publishers would see their ad revenue on Chrome tank by around 60% on average.

Platforms Are Autogenerating Creative – And It’s Going To Be Terrible

This week, we’re diving into the most important thing in advertising – the actual creative – and how major ad platforms are well on their way to an era of creative innovation. Actually, strike that. I meant creative desolation.

Privacy! Commerce! Connected TV! Read all about it. Subscribe to AdExchanger Newsletters
Comic: TFW Disney+ Goes AVOD

Disney Expands Its Audience Graph And Clean Room Tech Beyond The US

Disney expands its audience graph and clean room tech to Latin America, marking the first time it will be available outside the US. The announcement precedes this week’s launch of Disney+ with ads in Latin America.

Advertible Makes Its Case To SSPs For Running Native Channel Extensions

Companies like TripleLift that created the programmatic native category are now in their awkward tween years. Cue Advertible, a “native-as-a-service” programmatic vendor, as put by co-founder and CEO Tom Anderson.

Mozilla acquires Anonym

Mozilla Acquires Anonym, A Privacy Tech Startup Founded By Two Top Former Meta Execs

Two years after leaving Meta to launch their own privacy-focused ad measurement startup in 2022, Graham Mudd and Brad Smallwood have sold their company to Mozilla.