Home Ad Exchange News AppNexus Adds Deutsche Telekom’s Ad Network; Indexing The Audience

AppNexus Adds Deutsche Telekom’s Ad Network; Indexing The Audience


Here’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

German Programmatic

AppNexus will work with Deutsche Telekom’s German “sales house” Interactive Media on Interactive Media’s new publisher ad platform. ExchangeWire notes the deal involves the “serving of all of Interactive Media’s class 2 inventory in Germany, including all performance campaigns and automated buying relationships with trading desks and third-party buyers.” In the release, Interactive Media CEO Philip Missler said, “Given the growing demand for penetration that offers high quality, high performance and accurate targeting, we are driving our marketing business towards audiences, more efficient network products, and a holistic optimization of our clients.” Read more (PDF). Deutsche Telekom is active in digital ads – last January they signed a deal with AudienceScience to help with segmentation.

Media Morph

Clear Channel is preparing for its cross-channel, radio future. In reviewing a recent revenue report, The New York Times Media Decoder blog says Clear Channel now has 5% of its listening online and want more share.  They’ve made the transition – in part – with new music licensing deals: “For the music industry and Clear Channel they represent a potential breakthrough: the labels would for the first time make money when their songs were played on terrestrial radio as well as online, and Clear Channel would limit its growing royalty bills for online streaming.” Read more.

Crystal Twitter Ball

MIT Associate Professor Devavrat Shah claims to have developed an algorithm that can predict Twitter trends hours before the service can itself — and that might inspire advertisers to shift significant amounts of spending to the microblog platform. Given Twitter’s scale within social media, the MIT tool could also influence spending on other sites as well. “People go to social-media sites to find out what’s happening now,” says Ashish Goel, an associate professor of management science at Stanford University and a member of Twitter’s technical advisory board, in the MIT press release. “So in that sense, speeding up the process is something that is very useful.” GigaOm’s Derrick Harris has more details as well. Read it.

Nexage Widgets

Mobile exchange Nexage is taking a page from the “app marketplace” or “let’s partner” playbook, and launching a platform/widget model to connect publishers and advertisers with approved third party technologies, reports TechCrunch. Among the first four vendors are TRUSTe and location analytics firm PlaceIQ. Anthony Ha writes, “In many cases, Nexage customers could integrate these services on their own, but in this case Nexage gets to handle all the technical hassles, and it offers a single place where advertisers and publishers can add services as desired.” Read more.

Paywalls Go Back Up

The relaxing of paywalls at the NYTimes.com and WSJ.com that came earlier this week with the arrival of Hurricane Sandy is over, Adweek’s Lucia Moses reported. Read it. Even though the immediate weather emergency is over, the lack of power and uncertainty surrounding its return continued. As we’ve been reporting throughout the week, media consumption of news sites, particularly information about weather, remained insatiable through Friday. The traffic spikes and the ads that it drove may be a factor in how publishers balance free, ad-supported coverage with paid digital subscriptions going forward.


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Indexing Audience

Last week, audience targeting service ChoiceStream announced what it’s calling its Audience Cost Calculator.  The press release explains, “The Audience Cost Calendar is a monthly aggregation of impressions traded on digital ad exchanges. ChoiceStream created this calendar as a means to provide marketers with a snapshot of how online audience segment costs are trending based on seasonality.” Read the release. And, see the infographic.  Need more indexing? Try this using b-2-b Bizo segments overlaid (or underlaid) with comScore data.

But Wait. There’s More!

Must Read

Why Vodafone Is Giving Out Grades For Its Creative

One way to get a handle on your brand creative is to, well, grade your homework, according to Anne Stilling, Vodafone’s global director of brands and media.

Inside The Fall Of Oracle’s Advertising Business

By now, the industry is well aware that Oracle, once the most prominent advertising data seller in market, will shut down its advertising division. What’s behind the ignominious end of Oracle Advertising?

Forget about asking for permission to collect cookies. Google will have to ask for permission to not collect them.

Criteo: The Privacy Sandbox Is NOT Ready Yet, But Could Be If Google Makes Certain Changes Soon

If Google were to shut off third-party cookies today and implement the current version of the Privacy Sandbox, publishers would see their ad revenue on Chrome tank by around 60% on average.

Privacy! Commerce! Connected TV! Read all about it. Subscribe to AdExchanger Newsletters

Platforms Are Autogenerating Creative – And It’s Going To Be Terrible

This week, we’re diving into the most important thing in advertising – the actual creative – and how major ad platforms are well on their way to an era of creative innovation. Actually, strike that. I meant creative desolation.

Comic: TFW Disney+ Goes AVOD

Disney Expands Its Audience Graph And Clean Room Tech Beyond The US

Disney expands its audience graph and clean room tech to Latin America, marking the first time it will be available outside the US. The announcement precedes this week’s launch of Disney+ with ads in Latin America.

Advertible Makes Its Case To SSPs For Running Native Channel Extensions

Companies like TripleLift that created the programmatic native category are now in their awkward tween years. Cue Advertible, a “native-as-a-service” programmatic vendor, as put by co-founder and CEO Tom Anderson.