Home Ad Exchange News More Media Optimization Madness: ad:tech New York

More Media Optimization Madness: ad:tech New York


Following up our post on the media optimization festivities beginning with OMMA AdNets – Whoa, they’ve moved ad:tech to New York City’s Javits Center and out of its convenient but cramped midtown hotel location – ad technology is breaking out!

AdTech New Yorkad:tech New York at the Javits Convention Center, NYC, Wednesday-Friday, November 4-6

On Wednesday, November 4, WPP Group’s Sir Martin Sorrell kicks off ad:tech with a keynote address in which he peers inside his crystal ball to look at the trends he expects to see in the coming year. Among the panels on Wednesday, ThinkEquity’s Robert Coolbrith (AdExchanger.com Q&A) moderates a panel entitled “Defining the New Media Currency—How to Bring Traditional Media Metrics Online, Or Should We?”. With a title like this, it would appear that some discussion will center around bringing GRPs (Gross Ratings Points) online. Fireworks are guaranteed whenever Quantcast (Quantcast AdExchanger.com Q&A) and ComScore (ComScore AdExchanger.com Q&A) get together – and with Nielsen thrown in… it could be a battle royale! Bring your popcorn, but don’t eat it during the panel as Quantcast’s Adam Gerber and ComScore Gian Fulgoni participate among others.

Later in the day, ad networks are featured as Rubicon Project’s Frank Addante and Jeanne Houweling of PubMatic (PubMatic AdExchanger.com Q&A), Arnie Gullov-Singh from Fox Audience Network and Ramsey McGrory of Yahoo! (Yahoo! AdExchanger.com Q&A) discuss the proliferation of the model. It would be interesting to hear how optimizers will fit in the audience buying platform world. The panel is moderated by Lance Neuhauser of PHD Network.

Citigroup’s Mark Mahaney brings his own take on 2010 as he shares the stage with venture capital execs Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures and David Horowitz of Comcast Interactive Capital as well as Clickable’s CEO David Kidder.

Thursday, November 5, a morning panel brings together a couple of the demand-side platform players including IPG/Mediabrands/Cadreon’s Quentin George (Cadreon AdExchanger.com Q&A) and CEO Bill Demas of Turn, makers of the Turn DSP and ad network.

In the spirit of expectation around the almighty brand dollar, the ad:tech panel, “Digital Branding: Measuring the Effectiveness of Online Brand Advertising,” will try to make the case for brand marketers. Brand.net’s Andy Atherton (Brand.net AdExchanger.com Q&A), Paul Gunning of Tribal DDB, Dan Beltramo of Vizu, Andrew Markowitz, digital marketer from Kraft Foods and Carl Fremont of Digitas with master of ceremonies/moderation services provided by Josh Goldman, of Norwest Venture Partners.

Another audience-targeting panel features data-technology-oriented participants including Jeff Hirsch of Audience Science (AdExchanger.com Q&A), Christopher Marriott of Acxiom Digital (AdExchanger.com Opinion), Adam Broitman of Circ.us, James Kiernan of MediaVest and Andrew Bailey of FedEx.

OMG Digital’s Matt Spiegel (AdExchanger.com Q&A) moderates “The Science of Targeting: Turning Data into Scalable, Actionable Insights” with Todd Teresi of Quantcast (Quantcast AdExchanger.com Q&A), Tim Kendall of Facebook, Yahoo!’s Dev Patel (Yahoo! AdExchanger.com Q&A) and Brad Bender, Product Management Director, Google (Google AdExchanger.com Q&A).

Another panel of interest is led by AdWeek’s Brian Morrissey that will be looking at the long tail’s advertising prospects as content expands exponentially.  Morrissey is joined by Bobby Figueroa of Google, AOL Advertising’s David Jacobs, Digg’s Bob Buch, Patrick Keane of Associated Content and Technorati’s Jennifer McLean.

This is just a selection what’s going on next week at ad:tech. For more, visit the ad:tech website and the site of its sister show, Content Revenue Strategies… oh, and don’t forget all the parties next week. Mmmm, fried food.

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