Home Ad Exchange News Peer39 Brings Its Semantic Technology To AppNexus Real-Time Ad Platform

Peer39 Brings Its Semantic Technology To AppNexus Real-Time Ad Platform


Today, Peer39 announced that it is bringing its semantic technology to AppNexus’ real-time ad platform. Accordant Media Co-Founder Matt Greitzer comments in the release about its relevance to his company’s media buying needs: “With access to Peer39’s data, all impressions can now be relevant so we never have to buy Run of Network again.” AppNexus CEO Brian O’Kelley adds, “Semantic targeting is a foundational tool for buyers looking to enhance campaign performance.” Read the release.

CEO Andy Ellenthal discussed Peer39’s deal with AppNexus and implementation of its semantic technology in RTB environments.

AdExchanger.com: Why are partnerships with AppNexus and your previously announced deal with AdMeld a good fit?

We’re really excited about partnering with the leading real-time ad platform, AppNexus, as their ad network buyers are among the most sophisticated and buy at massive scale.  They will now be able to utilize our semantic data directly when targeting their campaigns across a massive amount of inventory. Although we do have direct relationships with certain publishers, the AppNexus partnership allows us to access a broader level of
inventory on many different publisher sites at once, and semantically classify billions of impressions. Furthermore, as the premier semantic data provider in the advertising ecosystem, it is particularly gratifying for us to work with AppNexus and bring the semantic targeting advantage to all the buyers on the platform. Our vision was always to enable our semantic targeting technology to be implemented through a range of partners. Our selection by AdMeld and AppNexus validates our strategic decision to create an easy-to-plug-in solution that’s available on a large scale and delivers real value.

Given your ability to categorize 30 billion page impressions per month, where do you this going over the next year? Is this number for RTB environments today?

The sky’s the limit. As our number of clients grows and their real-time bidding needs expand, we will be classifying an increasing number of impressions every day. Targeted advertising is on the rise, especially solutions like semantic targeting that do not require cookies or traverse privacy concerns. Furthermore, content is king on the web, and because Peer39’s data contains valuable insights regarding the meaning and sentiment of every webpage, this information will remain essential for brands who want to be successful in their online campaigns. Ad buyers always need more relevant impressions for their campaigns, so we believe the demand for semantically classified impressions that offer content clarity will expand greatly in the coming months and years.

By John Ebbert

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