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Talking Data With TARGUSinfo and Invite Media


TARGUSinfo and Invite Media announced a partnership today. Here is the release. Below is a Q&A on the announcement with David Helmreich is VP of interactive markets at TARGUSinfo and Nat Turner, COO and Founder at Invite Media.

TARGUSinfo and Invite MediaAdExchanger.com: What is meant in the release in regards to “accessing AdAdvisor data in real-time”? Is AdAdvisor data always being updated in real-time, for example?

DH from TARGUSinfo: Our partners have on-demand access to AdAdvisor data the instant they see a user on their site, network or via the bid manager platform in Invite Media.

We have been working closely with Invite Media since late last year ensuring that we can provide data to them at scale and provide the quality reach their clients demand. Because it is not transient in nature, our partners can use AdAdvisor confidently for up to 30 days before they should obtain updated data.

AdExchanger.com: Looking at TARGUSinfo’s interactive business, what is one (or two) of the more popular segments being used by interactive marketers from the TARGUSinfo datasets?

DH from TARGUSinfo: We refer to “segments” as “Audience Groups”. These Audience Groups, represents a group of households that have very similar characteristics or attributes. For example, each audience group can be mapped to interest in a brand, certain demographic profiles, ideal advertiser prospects, or likelihood to click on ads. Understanding if a audience group is correlated or inversely correlated with one of these profiles makes every audience group popular.

We have built over 500 custom audiences for our clients over the past month, comprising likely brand preferences, travel, financial investment, computers and electronics.

When looking at your client base, do media buyers understand the importance of targeting data today? What’s your sense of the need for education?

NT from Invite Media:For the majority of our platform users, I think they do understand the importance of targeting data on campaigns.

There are many advantages, from increased awareness in the right consumer segments for branding purposes to actual lift in direct response campaigns. Whether that translates into action, however, is a different story.

Most buyers would absolutely love to target data on campaigns, as they understand and can see the value that it can deliver to their advertiser’s campaigns.


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The unfortunate circumstance for the last couple of years, which our platform and our integration with TARGUSinfo is trying to fix, has been that it was incredibly hard for a media buyer to operationally target campaigns using third party data accurately at scale.

Now that the friction is being taken out of the process we’re hoping more buyers can actually execute on their strategies.”

By John Ebbert

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