Home Ad Exchange News A+E Seeks DTC Dollars; For Martin Sorrell, ‘Digital’ Buzzword Still Has Magic

A+E Seeks DTC Dollars; For Martin Sorrell, ‘Digital’ Buzzword Still Has Magic


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Network To Get Work

A+E is taking a two-pronged approach with its new TV measurement products. A campaign reporting feature called P1 is meant to onboard smaller businesses and direct-to-consumer startups, which hunger for attribution data and want to test TV with relatively low commitments by linear TV campaign standards, typically more than $500,000. “Many of these companies grew up on a digital ad model, and they get comfortable with a certain way of reporting,” A+E’s EVP of ad sales, Peter Olsen, tells MediaPost. “We are trying to create a product and a way that is not daunting from the cost of entry.” The TV network group is also working with 22 of its larger brand advertisers on outcome-based deals that tie commercial exposure to guaranteed lift for ecommerce site and store traffic. More.

The Digital Door

Martin Sorrell describes S4 Capital, his marketing agency company made up of MightyHive and MediaMonks, as “purely digital.” But why focus exclusively on digital when traditional media is still a huge and lucrative piece of the marketing pie? “I think separating [digital and traditional media] draws attention to the need to shift the thinking from analog to digital,” Sorrell tells Digiday. “It’s very difficult to do that because often the analog business is the cash cow, and the digital business is the spendthrift business, and you get these tensions. When I’ve talked to a client and said we’re purely digital, I’ve not been shown the door to exit. The door’s been opened.” More.

Social Accountability

Facebook will ban content that references white nationalism and white separatism in an effort to stem the flow of racist posts on its platforms. Facebook previously only removed posts that glorified white supremacy, a semantic distinction that civil rights activists argued undermined the platform’s efforts to control hate speech. The change comes just a week after Facebook said it would ban advertisers from excluding minorities from housing and employment ads. “There is no defensible distinction that can be drawn between white supremacy, white nationalism or white separatism in society today,” says Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, to The Washington Post. More.

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Must Read

The FTC's latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the "vast surveillance" of consumers.

FTC Denounces Social Media And Video Streaming Platforms For ‘Privacy-Invasive’ Data Practices

The FTC’s latest staff report has strong message for social media and streaming video platforms: Stop engaging in the “vast surveillance” of consumers.

Publishers Feel Seen At The Google Ad Tech Antitrust Trial

Publishers were encouraged to see the DOJ highlight Google’s stranglehold on the ad server market and its attempts to weaken header bidding.

Albert Thompson, Managing Director, Digital at Walton Isaacson

To Cure What Ails Digital Advertising, Marketers And Publishers Must Get Back To Basics

Albert Thompson, a buy-side veteran with 20+ years of experience, weighs in on attention metrics, the value of MFA sites, brand safety backlash and how publishers can improve their inventory.

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A comic depiction of Google's ad machine sucking money out of a publisher.

DOJ vs. Google, Day Five Rewind: Prebid Reality Check, Unfair Rev Share And Jedi Blue (Sorta)

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Comic: Alphabet Soup

Buried DOJ Evidence Reveals How Google Dealt With The Trade Desk

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Comic: The Unified Auction

DOJ vs. Google, Day Four: Behind The Scenes On The Fraught Rollout Of Unified Pricing Rules

On Thursday, the US district court in Alexandria, Virginia boarded a time machine back to April 18, 2019 – the day of a tense meeting between Google and publishers.