Home Ad Exchange News Moat, 24/7 Media (and WPP) Look To Engage Brands; Krux Powering Centro Brand Exchange

Moat, 24/7 Media (and WPP) Look To Engage Brands; Krux Powering Centro Brand Exchange


Engaging BrandsHere’s today’s AdExchanger.com news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.

Engaging The Server

Brand engagement player Moat has made a deal with WPP Group’s 24/7 Media to embed Moat tech into the 24/7 ad server. The release explains, “Publishers using 24/7 Media’s propriety ad serving technology, 24/7 Open AdStream, can utilize Moat’s solution through a simple integration, and instantly begin measuring viewable impressions, and engagement levels in real-time.” This is an interesting deal. Brand aren’t intereted in clickthrough rate. And, Vizu and KN Dimestore have been been the brand awareness solution when ad networks or DSPs want to add brand metrics through surveys. Now, Moat is getting in through the ad server with its non-survey approach (detailed in Moat’s recent funding release). At WPP, it would follow that Moat tech could propagate beyond Open AdStream and into 24/7’s ad network, Xaxis, The Mig and, therefore, WPP agencies. And, read more on Adweek.

Exchange Story

Digital ad workflow/planning tech company Centro formally announced that its Brand Exchange will be powered by Krux. In an AdExchanger Q&A way back in early April, Centro CEO Shawn Riegsiecker explained Brand Exchange, “It’s invitation only to the publishers and we decide which advertisers to bring in. It also gives publishers more control – they need to approve any client that will start running on their inventory. They are able to set all the different floors and minimums as needed. And, we’ve chosen a partner (Krux) which will give publishers full data protection on any of the advertisers running inside of the Brand Exchange – and full transparency into what’s taking place within their data.” Read the release.

Buying Video

DSP/DMP Turn announced that its intertwining engagement metrics for video advertising bought through its platform as online video ad buying continues to grow. The release talks about how historical audience data is used as the company says the new video ad feature will “predict users who are most likely to view video ads to completion and also predicts users most likely to take action on ads.” Track completions, track clicks – and retarget. Read the release.

Dogs And Display

Ecommerce site rep firm Triad Retail Media is getting more into content marketing with a “social” flavor as the company announced it’s working with Sams Club to create PetCentral which targets pet owner audience on SamsClub.com. The release explains, “accredited pet expert Dr. Louise Murray, who will spearhead the development of a variety of social media content such as Q&As and videos that cover topics like pet vaccinations and choosing the best food for your pet.” Rich media is even richer. Branded entertainment, social marketing, content marketing – whatever you want to call it – is becoming the creative for digital ads and, don’t forget there’s a rich treasure trove of data in play, too, as audience is aggregated. Display is not just a banner ad. Read more about Dr. Murray. This is a trend which Facebook aims to be at the center of.

Facebook OS

As you likely know, the Facebook IPO is scheduled for tomorrow. You knew that, right? Ken Allen of investment advisor Blackstone looks at the valuation of Facebook and its potential in a detailed post on the Blackstone Blog. Allen writes, “The story that Facebook is telling on its roadshow is one consistent with massive growth over an extended timeframe. It is telling a story much grander and more interesting than that of a communications tool, photo sharing platform, or social application. Facebook is telling a story of a social platform akin to an operating system, upon which an increasingly greater share of future applications will be built, including those associated with commerce, payments, games, media, and mobile computing.” Read more analysis.


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Training Digital

The IAB is adding a new training element to its curriculum as it says it looks to up the game of the digital seller. Called the “IAB Digital Media Sales Certification,” the release explains, “There is no formal coursework required for the ‘IAB Digital Media Sales Certification’ examination. Designed for salespeople with 2-5 years of experience in the digital industry, it is recommended that candidates have a strong command of current industry issues, players, and operations, as well as a broad understanding of every major digital platform. The test costs $350 for IAB members and $450 for non-members.” Read more. And, learn about the program.

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