Home Ad Exchange News Verizon Vice Deal; Nielsen International

Verizon Vice Deal; Nielsen International


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Vice Is A Virtue

At least it is for Verizon, which will license content from the media company for its upcoming mobile video service. Vice will channel new and existing content from its digital channels to Verizon’s service, which is expected to launch this year and will be geared to a teen demographic. The hidden story here could involve Vice’s digital strategy. The publisher has been striking deals left and right, including recent partnerships with HBO, Spotify and Snapchat. Read on via the WSJ.

Marketing Pangaea

Nielsen is extending its digital ad measurement to new markets in Asia and Latin America. The move will give Nielsen’s ratings coverage across 95% of global ad spending. The focus is on enabling measurement for giant global advertisers, but publishers hope more precise ratings will lift prices and budgets. The race is (still) on between Nielsen and comScore to become the industry standard as marketers push for holistic measurement. The Financial Times has more.

Agencies: Buckle Up

It’s a turbulent time for agencies. Adweek reports that American Airlines in the next player to put its media agency up for review. The airline carrier has been with McCann Erickson and agency TM in New York and Dallas for two decades. However, “The competitive landscape of our industry and the advertising industry has changed since the last time we put our business out for bid,” American Airlines said in a statement. “We want to ensure we align ourselves with the right agency who understands our goals.” Read on.

Not In View: Mobile

The MRC says mobile is making viewability measurement murkier. In its latest round of reconciliation testing, the MRC looked at viewable impressions for campaigns in the US across data sets from publishers, advertisers and agencies. Where discrepancies in vendor results were found, the MRC attributed 54% of inconsistencies to the different ways vendors count viewable impressions on mobile. As per the data, nothing else came close to causing as many discrepancies. eMarketer has more.

Outside The Box

The future of search isn’t search at all (or at least not putting queries in a box), it’s anticipating needs. At least that’s the bet being made by companies like Yahoo and Google (throw in Apple as well), who are turning their attention to personal assistant apps that can predict a user’s requirements. Products like Siri, Google Now and Yahoo’s Smart Stream lack brand integrations today, but adding them could be lucrative for companies that can weather the controversy. Read on at Ad Age.


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