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Measure Me This


At this rate, streaming apps might be creating more ad formats than they are shows.

NBCUniversal is making select episodes of shows on Peacock shoppable, while Prime Video and Disney are creating new shoppable ad formats in time for upfront negotiations.

Ads that allow viewers to interact, either by clicking via their remote or scanning a QR code, are helping turn streaming into a more measurable performance marketing channel, says Mike Fisher, executive director of investment innovation at GroupM US, on this week’s episode of AdExchanger Talks.

But measurement remains a challenge, he says.

Generally speaking, TV measurement is still an unstandardized mess. And compared to traditional 15- and 30-second spots, newer formats lack the necessary performance benchmarks that come with time – and testing, Fisher says. This leaves buyers caught between what they know and the need to experiment with newer options.

GroupM is trying to encourage more advertisers to give new ad units a try. In January, it launched a working group called the Ad Innovation Accelerator to develop creative and technical standards to boost the adoption of new formats. Members include Disney, Roku, YouTube, BrightLine and Kerv.

The goal is to “get clients to start thinking about these new ad formats as a viable part of their [CTV media] planning,” Fisher says.

But are clients doing more than just thinking about it? We’ll have to wait and see what happens in September when the upfront deals being negotiated will take effect.

Also in this episode: How ad buying works for newer formats, what programmatic means in CTV land and why streaming media will never be 100% biddable.

For more articles featuring Mike Fisher, click here.

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