Brand Aware

  • Note To Publishers: Not All Of Your Inventory Is ‘Premium’

    “Brand Aware” is a column on the data-driven digital ad ecosystem from the marketer’s point of view. It is written by Bob Arnold, Director of Digital and Social Media at Kellogg Company. One of my main responsibilities for Kellogg is to steward all of its digital media spend in North America, so a lot of media […]

  • Three Pre-Reqs to Capture the Hearts, Minds And Budgets Of Brand Managers

    At my company, we’ve been active in the programmatic buying space for brand marketing and we’ve seen some very positive business results to date.  I truly believe it’s the future of all media buying (not just digital, but I’ll save that discussion for another day). Yet, we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of […]

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  • How Publishers Can Stand Out in the Programmatic Arena

    Welcome to “Brand Aware,” a column from the marketer’s point-of-view on the data-driven, digital ad ecosystem and written by Bob Arnold, Associate Director of Global Digital Strategy at Kellogg Company. I’ve never worked in the publishing industry. I’ve been on the marketer side of the equation for my entire career, so I’ll be the first […]

  • Kellogg's Bob Arnold Starts 'Brand Aware' Column

    Welcome to “Brand Aware.” I’m Bob Arnold, Associate Director of Global Digital Strategy at Kellogg Company, and I have the privilege of penning this column. I’ve been in the digital marketing space for more than 12 years – 10 years at Procter & Gamble and two years at Kellogg. Having grown up in the “branding” […]

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