The Debate

  • The Ethical Issues with 3rd Party Behavioral Tracking

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Last week, executives in the digital ad ecosystem provided their thoughts about online behavioral advertising and, specifically, “If a consumer asked you ‘Why is tracking good?’, what would you say?” Read it. Today, TRAFFIQ Chief Product Officer Eric Picard […]

  • DMP: The Democratic Media Platform

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Jeff Hirsch, President and CEO, AudienceScience, an online advertising technology company. I hear and read a lot these days about the democratizing power of the Internet. It’s a great issue. Some pundits say entire […]

  • Let The Consumer Decide

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Zach Coelius, CEO, Triggit. As the debate about the use of user data or “privacy” on the Internet swirls around us, a cacophony of voices are yelling that unless we adopt their policies the […]

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  • Coming to a Website Near You: More Irrelevant Advertisements

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by: Mark Kesslen, David Leit, Matthew Savare, Lowenstein Sandler, a law firm. (See bios.) Just in time for the holidays, the FTC has released its preliminary report, “Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid […]

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  • How the "Do Not Track" Plan Hurts Consumers, Businesses, and the Potential for Economic Growth

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Russell Glass, CEO, Bizo. This article is about the importance of transparency. In that vein, let me start out by saying that I am the CEO of a company that specializes in business audience […]

  • Why IP Tracking Is A Bad Idea

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Auren Hoffman, CEO, Rapleaf. IP addresses are the fabric of the Internet— they are the “To” and “From” stamps that make delivering messages between computers possible.  While they are necessary to route information from […]

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  • Why Online Advertising Should Be Regulated

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Auren Hoffman, CEO, Rapleaf. The online advertising industry is going through rapid and exciting changes. In the past two years, we’ve moved from a publisher-centric model to a network-centric model and now to a […]

  • Ad Nauseum

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by Amiad Solomon, Founder & President, Peer39. From the inception of the internet, online advertisers have been continuously experimenting with methods of targeting ads, in search of a technology that delivers a brand’s ideal audience, […]

  • Targeting Real-Time Targeting: Privacy Groups File Overreaching Suit With The FTC Against Real-Time Behavioral Advertising

    “The Debate” is a column focused on the current debate around ad targeting and consumer privacy. Today’s article is written by: Ed Zimmerman, Mark Kesslen, and Matthew Savare, Lowenstein Sandler, a law firm. (See bios.) Let’s say you’re surfing the web, planning your next vacation with the family.  You visit several travel sites, book your […]

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