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Actionable AI: How Advertisers Can Harness The Power Of Performance, Creativity And Communication


At the risk of sounding like “the year of mobile,” we’re at the beginning of a new phase in ad tech with the rise of AI. Advertisers and ad tech partners alike are overwhelmed with AI opportunities, eager to implement it in meaningful ways. But when seemingly everything is powered by AI, how can you make sure you’re using it successfully?

Luckily, there are plenty of options. While we wait for the dust to settle in the AI boom, it’s reassuring to know that solutions exist today that do what brands need most: move at the speed of business and drive better performance.

The creative iteration revolution (for the time-starved)

A logical starting place is where we can literally see AI in action. AI is proving to be a game changer in the creative space, slashing production times and opening up new formats, channels and design opportunities.

Creative tools are more accessible than ever, many of which could be learned over a weekend (maybe even during a long lunch). From animation and illustration to automated asset iteration, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned creative director or someone who’s just getting started, AI is enabling creative work to be done faster, more efficiently and often with just a simple prompt or starter image.

In a bid to test the waters of AI creativity, one of our designers on the Yahoo Creative team recently embarked on a fascinating experiment: Complete 30 creative projects in 30 days using 30 different AI platforms. The insights gained offered a deeper understanding of how each of these tools function, their distinct purposes and how they can streamline creative processes.

With rebranding efforts, for example, it’s possible to swap in a new logo or refresh assets in seconds. And if you’re looking to repurpose a successful CTV (connected TV) campaign, AI can help you create fresh assets across display, social media and even out-of-home advertising with lightning speed.

A few examples of the work done include:

  • Logo generation based on keyword, color and style prompts
  • Ad iteration across multiple channels and formats from a single image
  • Creative animation prompted from a static image
  • Responsive, templatized app design
  • Project storyboarding complete with imagery, charts and narrative
  • And, finally, a text prompt to create a Parisian scenic image with a Cavapoo dog made out of a croissant

With AI enabling creative processes to move faster, time-consuming tasks like asset iteration can be handled in a fraction of the time, allowing businesses to move at the ever-increasing speed of business. Time constraints? Consider them a thing of the past.

Performance that actually performs


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The good news for performance advertisers is that there are no shortage of choices when it comes to platforms offering AI-based tools designed to boost ROI. A major advantage of these platforms is their ability to process massive amounts of data with a rapid feedback loop. This increased speed and efficiency translate into tangible results: better insights, smarter targeting and, ultimately, more revenue. That’s a good thing, right?

There are some pervasive questions. One concern in adopting AI is that marketers might unknowingly opt into a “black box” scenario. Are you getting all the transparency you need? AI can be murky enough on its own; we don’t need to make it any foggier.

Luckily, there are solutions that don’t make you sacrifice control for performance. Take, for instance, Yahoo Blueprint Performance, where we excel at processing more data with a faster feedback loop while also driving exceptional performance. Advertisers using this platform are seeing a 12 – 18% increase in goal attainment. Better yet, they’re able to directly reinvest those savings back into working media – automatically. And the best part? It’s fully transparent, allowing advertisers to maintain full control over targeting and strategy without any hidden trade-offs.

At the end of the day, that’s what we all want: to get the best results possible, without sacrificing quality, control or a good night’s sleep.

From Clippy to chatbots – the evolution of AI communication

Many of us recall Clippy – the iconic anamorphic paperclip that offered help when staring at a blank screen. While we salute Clippy’s pioneer attitude, in the past 20 years, large language models (LLMs) have made leaps and bounds, drastically improving the way we interact with technology. Today’s AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants truly up the game.

In today’s world of information overload, many of us are craving clarity, direction and meaningful interaction to get the job done. With AI increasingly embedded in the world of ad tech, clear and effective communication between humans and machines is essential. Advertisers need to understand how AI platforms work, and, more importantly, they need answers to their questions in real time. It’s not enough for AI to just perform; it has to explain itself.

This is where natural language processing and LLMs come into play. Imagine asking a platform a direct question, receiving a thoughtful and articulate answer, then moving forward confidently with your decision. For those who work hands-on-keyboard, this kind of interaction is a game changer. It means fewer mistakes, faster responses and, ultimately, better results.

Will we eventually live in a world where this level of human-to-machine communication becomes the norm? The signs are promising, especially with continued advancements in AI models and platforms. Stay tuned for what the future holds, as the Yahoo DSP continues to deliver.

The AI frontier

In this new world of AI-driven advertising, it’s clear the possibilities are endless. Whether it’s driving better performance, optimizing creative processes or improving communication between marketers and machines, AI is revolutionizing how we work.

The key to success lies in using these tools wisely – choosing platforms that offer transparency, control and efficiency without sacrificing quality. As we continue to ride the AI wave, one thing is certain: The speed of business has never been faster, and those who embrace these innovations will lead the pack.

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