Home Data Nugget ComScore’s Combined Mobile/Desktop Ratings Lift Pandora, Zynga, And Groupon

ComScore’s Combined Mobile/Desktop Ratings Lift Pandora, Zynga, And Groupon


comScore LogoAfter debuting its Media Metrix Multi-Platform in beta in November, comScore opened the offering to all US clients and released the top 50 web properties for February 2013, based on data from both desktop and mobile visitors.

While the top multi-platform properties overall were similar to the top desktop properties, there were several companies that jumped up the list when mobile traffic was included.

Google Sites, Yahoo Sites, and Microsoft Sites were the top three properties when it comes to both total digital population and desktop only. Of the three, Yahoo sites saw the greatest incremental percentage gains from mobile, at 16%.

Sites including Apple Inc., Pandora, Zynga, and Groupon jumped up the list thanks to added mobile traffic. Apple came in as the #8 top property, with 115.9 million visitors in total, including 40.6 million mobile-only visitors. Without mobile, the company would have been the #12 top property, behind Demand Media.

Meanwhile, Pandora, Zynga, and Groupon all saw more mobile visitors than desktop in February, according to comScore. Pandora saw 23 million unique visitors on desktop, and 42.1 million mobile-only visitors, for 65.1 million total, which was a 183% incremental gain thanks to mobile. Zynga had a total of 37.5 million visitors, breaking out into 12.1 million on desktop and 25.4 million on mobile, or a 211% incremental increase. Groupon received a 233% incremental increase, with 11.4 million desktop and 25.5 million mobile unique visitors.

comScore Multi-Platform

The Media Metrix Multi-Platform “combines comScore’s flagship products to accurately account for unduplicated audiences across the desktop, smartphone, and tablet platforms,” said Jeff Hackett, EVP of comScore, in a statement about the top 50 properties. “This unified view of digital audiences not only establishes a new measurement standard for the industry, but also has the potential to unlock insights that can deliver substantial, currently unrealized value to our publisher, advertiser, and agency clients.”

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