
Data Privacy

  • AT&T Loses 4.1M Streaming And Pay-TV Subscribers In 2019; News Corp Launches

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. The Cost Of Content AT&T is still bleeding pay-TV subscribers as it beefs up its investment in HBO Max, which is driving losses in the short term. Consolidated revenues for the quarter were $46.8 billion but would have been $48 billion without the HBO […]

  • Facebook’s ARPU Tops $41 In North America, But Ad Targeting ‘Headwinds’ Haven’t Dissipated

    Remember those “ad targeting-related headwinds” Facebook keeps talking about every quarter? They’re finally going to hit this year. Facebook experienced some effects in 2019 from global privacy regulations, privacy-focused changes made by mobile operating systems and browsers (Google did a thing) and its own privacy product rollouts. However, “the majority of the impact lies in […]

  • Mike Brooks, WeatherBug’s SVP of revenue

    WeatherBug Wishes Apps Would Get With The Programmatic Program Faster

    Mike Brooks, WeatherBug’s SVP of revenue, is a mobile programmatic evangelist. “We’ve seen a huge positive impact from adopting a unified auction, and we like to be vocal about it,” Brooks said. “We talk about programmatic to anybody who will listen, because this is the way of the future.” In early 2018, the weather app, […]

  • Does The Web Need More Browser Engines?; Tracking Consent Is Still Very Messy

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Under The Hood Does the web need more browser engines? The recent trend has been toward browser engine consolidation. Google helped this along by growing Chrome’s market share, but Microsoft gave up on its own web-rendering software and moved to Chromium at the end […]

  • Just Because You’re Compliant With COPPA Doesn’t Mean You’re Cool Under CCPA Or GDPR

    There’s not enough awareness that compliance can’t be a cut-and-paste job when it comes to kids. Just because you’re compliant with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), doesn’t mean you’re compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), or the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Plus, US states are coming out with their own […]

  • Google Adds New Restriction On App Attribution; Layoffs In Tech

    Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Stalling The Install  Google is changing its search-to-app install campaign measurement starting this month so that iOS installs driven by Google searches will no longer be reported by third-party attribution companies, Ronan Shields reports for Adweek. The change is a forerunner to Google’s eventual […]

  • Verve’s New Parent Company Sees Potential, Despite Obvious Privacy Challenges

    Location data is a privacy landmine. But there are still buyers out there for providers, including Media And Games Invest (MGI), the public German conglomerate that acquired mobile location company Verve earlier this week. The last few years haven’t been kind to Verve. The company experienced multiple rounds of layoffs last year and closed its […]

  • Twitter's Sarah Personette: 'Business Is The Most Personal Thing In The World'

    Sarah Personette’s career has taken her on a wild tour around the industry. After graduating from Northwestern in 2001, she landed an agency job at Starcom – taking the interview on a whim. She was on an upward trajectory when she left the agency world to join an upstart social media company called Facebook. “My […]

  • DMPs Aren’t Dead, But They Must Continue To Evolve

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Gareth Davies, co-founder at Truth{set}. Google’s announcement to deprecate the Chrome cookie within two years seals the fate of anonymous behavioral data and its underlying identifiers and technology. The move […]

  • Chrome Is Killing Cookies – But SameSite Still Needs To Be Updated

    By 2022, third-party cookies will be obsolete in Chrome. But there’s a more pressing deadline looming that advertisers need to prepare for: SameSite. Beginning on Feb. 4, Chrome will stop supporting cross-site third-party cookie sharing by default. Third-party cookies that aren’t secure – as in, accessed over HTTPS – and also properly labeled using the […]

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Must Read

Comic: Alphabet Soup

Buried DOJ Evidence Reveals How Google Dealt With The Trade Desk

In the process of the investigation into Google, the Department of Justice unearthed a vast trove of separate evidence. Some of these findings paint a whole new picture of how Google interacts and competes with its main DSP rival, The Trade Desk.

Comic: The Unified Auction

DOJ vs. Google, Day Four: Behind The Scenes On The Fraught Rollout Of Unified Pricing Rules

On Thursday, the US district court in Alexandria, Virginia boarded a time machine back to April 18, 2019 – the day of a tense meeting between Google and publishers.

Google Ads Will Now Use A Trusted Execution Environment By Default

Confidential matching – which uses a TEE built on Google Cloud infrastructure – will now be the default setting for all uses of advertiser first-party data in Customer Match.

Privacy! Commerce! Connected TV! Read all about it. Subscribe to AdExchanger Newsletters
In 2019, Google moved to a first-price auction and also ceded its last look advantage in AdX, in part because it had to. Most exchanges had already moved to first price.

Unraveling The Mystery Of PubMatic’s $5 Million Loss From A “First-Price Auction Switch”

PubMatic’s $5 million loss from DV360’s bidding algorithm fix earlier this year suggests second-price auctions aren’t completely a thing of the past.

A comic version of former News Corp executive Stephanie Layser in the courtroom for the DOJ's ad tech-focused trial against Google in Virginia.

The DOJ vs. Google, Day Two: Tales From The Underbelly Of Ad Tech

Day Two of the Google antitrust trial in Alexandria, Virginia on Tuesday was just as intensely focused on the intricacies of ad tech as on Day One.

A comic depicting Judge Leonie Brinkema's view of the her courtroom where the DOJ vs. Google ad tech antitrust trial is about to begin. (Comic: Court Is In Session)

Your Day One Recap: DOJ vs. Google Goes Deep Into The Ad Tech Weeds

It’s not often one gets to hear sworn witnesses in federal court explain the intricacies of header bidding under oath. But that’s what happened during the first day of the Google ad tech-focused antitrust case in Virginia on Monday.