Home Digital TV and Video Samsung Ads Enables Buying Using Brands’ First-Party Data

Samsung Ads Enables Buying Using Brands’ First-Party Data


Samsung Ads is adding to its AVOD toolkit.

To provide brands a way to buy media using their own first-party data sets, it set up the Samsung Onboarding Partner Program. Built with data management platform (DMP) partners, the program allows advertisers to plan and activate advanced TV campaigns based on these audience insights.

The program is yet another addition to Samsung Ads’ expanding AVOD offering pool. Insights-focused Audience Advisor, a planning tool launched earlier this year, allows advertisers to plug in any combination of first- and third-party data to understand audience scale, behaviors and time spent in AVOD. Using those data segments, advertisers can also drill into metrics like incremental reach and differential conversion rates.

With these two products, Samsung Ads is building up clients’ understanding of the AVOD ecosystem based on their own first-party data, said Justin Evans, global head of analytics and insights at Samsung Ads. Brands want to understand shifting audience preferences toward CTV, especially viewers’ ad-supported video on demand (AVOD) habits.

The Audience Advisor tool generates data-backed predictions of scale, reach and ad frequency for future campaigns based on budget.

In other words, “the client onboards what they want, and we put it to work for them,” Evans said.

Backed by Samsung Ads’ own first-party TV data, the tool allows advertisers to quantify their reach potential in AVOD. Advertisers should see even more efficient scale and reach when they curate their audiences through one of its DMP partners, Samsung Ads says.

This product provides “context and color for a client on what’s happening with their audiences,” Evans said. “We can shed light on the total TV opportunity for the client through the lens of their curated audiences.”

Optimizing using consumer insights increases ROI for the advertisers and makes the audience viewing experience more relevant.

Samsung Ads analyzed hundreds of 2021 ad campaigns, and the results are promising – brands who used their own first-party data sets saw up to 161% higher conversion rates than campaigns that didn’t.


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“Advertisers are empowering themselves and saying, ‘We know our customers better than a third party,’” Evans said. “I think it’s a win that they’re able to achieve 161% higher conversion rates when they leverage this data.”

Being able to use first-party data also justifies the investments brands are making in building direct relationships with their customers.

Brands will be under increasing pressure to choose partners who bring “substantial proprietary data to the relationship,” as AVOD continues to increase its share of total TV viewership, Evans predicted.

Marketers in North America will be able to access their curated audiences from multiple DMP partners in the first quarter of 2022. More integrations will be added to the Samsung Ads program throughout the new year.

This article has been updated to add geographical availability.

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