Managing The Data

  • Today’s CMO Must Redefine Marketing And Identity

    “Managing the Data” is a column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara. Today’s consumers are highly demanding. They expect curated movie recommendations from Netflix, one-click restaurant reservations from OpenTable, on-demand limousine service from Uber, limitless housing options from Airbnb and the world of commerce available 24/7 from Amazon […]

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  • Provisioning: Data’s New Paradigm

    “Managing the Data” is a column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara. The promise of “data is the new oil” has slowly come to fruition over the last five years. Connected devices are producing data at a Moore’s-law-like rate, and companies are building the artificial intelligence systems to […]

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  • The Five Principles Of Modern Marketing

    “Managing the Data” is a column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara. Every marketer and media company these days is trying to unlock the secret to personalization. Everyone wants to be the next Amazon, anticipating customer wants and desires and delivering real-time customization. Actually, everyone might need to […]

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  • How Ad Tech And Mar Tech Will Come Together (Or Not)

    “Managing the Data” is a column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara. Gartner’s Marty Kihn recently made an argument that ad tech and mar tech would not come together, contrary to what he had predicted a few years ago. When Marty speaks about ad tech, people listen. Like […]

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  • Deepening The Data Lake: How Second-Party Data Increases AI For Enterprises

    “Managing the Data” is a new column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara. I have been hearing a lot about data lakes lately. Progressive marketers and some large enterprise publishers have been breaking out of traditional data warehouses, mostly used to store structured data, and investing in infrastructure […]

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  • The Era Of AI Will Be Ruled By UI

    “Managing the Data” is a new column about customer and audience data strategy written by longtime AdExchanger contributor Chris O’Hara.  In 1960, the US Navy coined a design principle: Keep it simple, stupid. When it comes to advertising and marketing technology, we haven’t enjoyed a lot of “simple” over the last dozen years or so. In […]

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