All Marketing Is Performance Marketing
If Alex Schultz, Meta’s CMO and VP of analytics, had his way, the term “performance marketing” would be retired. There isn’t a line [between] brand and performance,” he says. “It all performs.”
If Alex Schultz, Meta’s CMO and VP of analytics, had his way, the term “performance marketing” would be retired. There isn’t a line [between] brand and performance,” he says. “It all performs.”
Gathering information from industry insiders is a critical part of the CMA’s evaluation process, says Chris Jenkins, director of the its Digital Markets Unit.
In today’s newsletter: Criteo gets MRC accredited for display impressions and click metrics; Google Analytics and Google Ads now use the same definition for “conversions”; and how marketing mutated the beverage aisle.
The vast majority of advertisers who buy ads in video games (91%) no longer consider gaming to be an experimental media channel. But ad spend in games still lags behind audience engagement.
In today’s newsletter: NAD says influencers should label endorsements as ads, even if they invest in the company; Netflix’s password-sharing crackdown was a catalyst for ad-supported audience growth; and G/O Media sells more of its portfolio.
It’s been more than a year since Bloomberg stopped running third-party programmatic display ads on its website – and it was the right move, says Christine Cook, Bloomberg Media’s global CRO.
Whether taxi riders like it or not, backseat screens are ad inventory, too. Curb, which operates a network of digital screens within taxi cabs, has technology that helps advertisers get in front of cab passengers.
Enjoy this weekly comic strip from that highlights the digital advertising ecosystem …
In today’s newsletter: The CMO role is disappearing, but it may not be a bad thing; MFA sites use gen-AI images to game Facebook’s algorithm; Apple’s policies should end fingerprinting, but enforcement falls to app developers.
Now, advertisers have more flexible access to the MTA’s four million daily riders while they’re inside the stations, waiting for their trains.