Home Online Advertising Mpire Announces Ad Blocking For AdXpose; CEO Kirby Winfield Discusses Feature And Clients

Mpire Announces Ad Blocking For AdXpose; CEO Kirby Winfield Discusses Feature And Clients


AdXposeMpire announced new ad blocking capabilities for its AdXpose product where, “AdXpose analyzes the content on publisher sites in real-time, and cross-references it with the prescribed rules set by the advertiser.” If the content is acceptable, the ad is served. If not, it’s not. Read the release.

AdExchanger.com spoke to Mpire CEO Kirby Winfield about the new feature and overall business.

AdExchanger.com: Can you explain the issue around Iframes? And, how does AdXpose tackle it for your new “proactive ad blocking” feature?

KW: The issue around Iframes for our agency and platform clients is that
 Iframes limit visibility into where ads are appearing, and how they are
 performing. Specifically, up to 40% of impressions on a typical 
non-premium display buy can “dead end” at an ad network or server URL 
due to multiple Iframes within the delivery path. So, our clients are 
initially unable to see whether their ads were delivered within 
IO-specified parameters, or whether fraudulent activities like ad 
stuffing (nested Iframes) or other impression fraud occurred.

 With AdXpose’s patent-pending technology, we’re typically able to get
 through several layers of Iframes to see where the ad is actually 
appearing and what kind of performance the ad is seeing, based on 
viewable impressions, user and brand engagement, geographic and 
demographic targeting, and more; reducing the obfuscation to single
 digit percentages in many cases. And where obfuscation remains, we 
encourage our clients to examine the channel and provider which is
 obfuscated and make a judgment call on how far they trust that channel.

 With our new ad blocking capabilities, the user can set any number of
 alerting thresholds around the above mentioned attributes, and once 
triggered, either receive notification or stop the ads from appearing
 down those channels or sites. One attribute of ad blocking that solves 
the Iframe issue is the simple ability to require that any obfuscated 
domain (unless it is on a white list provided by the client) be prevented
 from serving an ad.

AdExchanger.com: How are your clients segmenting? Is AdXpose sold to agencies more than, say, ad networks? Where do you expect momentum to go for your client base?

KW: Right now our AdXpose client base skews towards agencies. Clearly 
today, without any universal shift at the platform level to visibility 
and transparency into most buys, the demand is being driven by the buy-side and brands. Also, because we offer additional data points like 
heatmapping and user engagement at the URL level — which allows for
 pinpoint creative optimization, for example — agencies have more uses 
for us than the simpler “point solution” verification providers. At the same time, you’ll see more announcements from us on the platform
 side as well. Specifically due to our XML API, real time data
 collection methodology, and breadth of data points captured, we have an 
unprecedented ability to offer terabytes of raw verification and
 optimization data to those DSP and exchange partners who consume data as
 part of their algorithmic approach to acquiring audience.

In a real-time bidded environment, can AdXpose work? Even on dynamic content?

KW: The short answer is, yes. Since AdXpose – unlike other verification
 providers – sits on the actual page where an ad is served at the exact
 time at which it is served, we are uniquely positioned to help power RTB 
decisions. That stated, the feedback loop needs to be very tight in 
order to leverage that dynamic page data while it is still valid, and we 
are working with pilot partners on defining how that process is most

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