Home Platforms Demand-Side Platform X+1 And Creative Tech Company Tumri Partner For Shopper Retargeting

Demand-Side Platform X+1 And Creative Tech Company Tumri Partner For Shopper Retargeting


Tumri and x+1Demand-side platform [x+1] and creative optimization technology company Tumri announced a “new retail-focused solution, Shopper Retargeting, [which]combines Tumri’s dynamic creative technology platform with [x+1]’s digital media optimization capabilities to deliver personalized ad retargeting.” Read the release.

[x+1] vp of media strategy and CMO Perianne Grignon and Tumri president David Kim discussed the new partnership.

AdExchanger.com: Is dynamic creative something clients are asking for?

PERIANNE GRIGNON: Yes, our clients are asking for dynamic creative along with a host of other solutions that have the potential to heighten the relevancy they have with shoppers and thereby increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. It is our approach to integrate the best-in-market solutions and make them available to our clients in a seamless manner. Tumri has the best technology platform for dynamic creative optimization and we are very pleased to be partnering with them.

Why the focus on E-commerce with Shoppers Retargeting?

PERIANNE GRIGNON: All marketers will benefit from Shopper Retargeting, but the solution is most immediately valuable to retailers and e-tailers because of the opportunity to customize creative product level information – across virtually millions of SKUs — driven by consumer shopping behavior on site.

Why are X+1 and ecommerce a good fit for Tumri?

DAVID KIM:eCommerce marketers today are challenged by two aspects of display marketing: finding the right target audience at the right time on a cost-effective basis, and putting the right offer in front of that audience with the right message. Based on past campaigns, Tumri has been impressed by X+1’s ability to optimize continuously across a broad publisher network based on its look-a-like modeling and real time bidding algorithms. Combining that with Tumri’s Dynamic Creative capabilities provides eCommerce marketers with an unparalleled ability to drive incremental sales from their audience.

Are DSPs and ad networks a new sales channel for Tumri? What are your thoughts here?

DAVID KIM: Tumri currently works with leading DSPs and ad networks across a large number of Dynamic Creative campaigns. As we expand our focus to provide software solutions directly to partners, Tumri will continue to work with our DSP, Ad Network and other channel partners to address the many point solutions that marketers demand today.

By John Ebbert

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