Home The Big Story The Big Story: Ad Tech Meets Wall Street

The Big Story: Ad Tech Meets Wall Street

The Big Story podcast

Wall Street can’t get enough of ad tech – creating a hot market for stocks and making quarterly earnings a who’s who of ad tech companies.

Not so long ago, the ad tech bellwethers were The Trade Desk and Magnite, but earnings season now features a parade of companies young and old: PubMatic, DoubleVerify, Viant, Zeta Global, Integral Ad Science, to name just a handful of recent entrants.

The market’s hunger for connected TV also led two of these public companies – Magnite and Integral Ad Science – to snap up SpringServe and Publica, respectively. Why? These small companies operate CTV ad servers, giving their acquirers a stronger foothold in the CTV market.

In this week’s Big Story, we contrast Big Tech and independent ad tech earnings, talk through the recent Publica acquisition and other highlights from the Q2 earnings so far.


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