Home Press Release AdMonsters And AdExchanger Partner With Prohaska Consulting To Launch Ad Tech Accelerator

AdMonsters And AdExchanger Partner With Prohaska Consulting To Launch Ad Tech Accelerator

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New executive training series will provide credentialing for Publisher, Agency and Brand Executives

[New York, New York] – [June 27, 2024] – AdMonsters and AdExchanger, the leading voices for the sell and buy sides of digital advertising, and Prohaska Consulting, the award-winning global digital consultancy, today announced the launch of Ad Tech Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind initiative to provide media professionals and executives with advanced strategic and tactical training that’s vital to thrive in the increasingly complex world of ad tech operations and revenue strategy. As an ongoing series of professional development workshops, the program will launch August 5th at AdMonsters’ Publisher Forum in Boston.

“We branded it as ‘Ad Tech Accelerator’ to signify our goal to provide participants with a way to accelerate their knowledge and their careers in the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising,” said Becky Peck, Group Publisher of AdMonsters and AdExchanger, which are part of the Marketer & Media Network at Access Intelligence. The initiative will offer an in-person and online education series spanning both strategic and operational topics that will confer credentials based on the successful completion of the training sessions and workshops.

Participants will earn digital badges when they’ve completed a series of courses and workshops on each topic. The program will not only provide knowledge and real-world problem-solving paradigms, but also a way for participants to demonstrate a commitment to professional development and showcase to peers and the industry their mastery of the continually evolving details of advertising and marketing technologies.

Ad Tech Accelerator curriculum will bring buyers and sellers together to work through specific issues that improve overall efficiency, effectiveness and financial returns. These deep, informative sessions are designed for leaders and operators from across the industry ecosystem. Each will be led by industry experts recruited by Prohaska Consulting based on real-world experience in each topic area.

The program will debut August 5, 2024, at AdMonsters’ Publisher Forum in Boston with a half-day workshop entitled “Expanding Your Revenue Streams,” which aligns with the theme of the Publisher Forum event: “Rev Up Your Revenue Strategy.” Additional workshops will take place at AdExchanger’s Programmatic I/O conference in New York (Sept. 24-25, 2024) and AdMonsters’ Fall Publisher Forum in Scottsdale (Nov. 10-12, 2024).

“We’re excited to work with the Prohaska Consulting team to develop this unique program for the ad tech community,” said Peck. “In speaking with many of our constituents over the past few months, there is a clear need for deeper dives into the many areas of ad tech that impact how our readers do their jobs as well as how companies are working together to deliver business impact. Our partnership with Prohaska Consulting is perfectly aligned because we share an ability to bring together the sell- and buy-side perspectives in digital advertising. Serving both sides through Ad Tech Accelerator is a key value proposition for participants.”

“We’re in the midst of fast, furious, and utterly seismic changes in the digital marketing and media world, more so than any time in the past decade, “ said Matt Prohaska, CEO & Principal of Prohaska Consulting. “It’s critical for every media executive to not just speak to the buzzwords of this shift, but to fully grasp how to operate and excel within it. We have a proud history training buyers and sellers on how to adapt to technology shifts, and we’re excited to collaborate with AdExchanger and AdMonsters in leading this next wave of career development for the industry.”

Ad Tech Accelerator workshops will take place in person in 2024 at three AdMonsters and AdExchanger events, with an online component launching in late-fall. In 2025, Accelerator sessions will take place during seven AdMonsters and AdExchanger events, as well as standalone events in key regions of the United States. Participation in the inaugural Expanding Your Revenue Streams training session and workshop at Publisher Forum Boston (Aug. 5) will be included in the conference registration fee; a workshop-only option is available for $595.

AdMonsters and AdExchanger will promote the program, and the importance of the Ad Tech Accelerator credentials, to its collective audience of 160K+ as well as the broader audience of 1.4 million marketing and media executives reached by the Marketer & Media Network at Access Intelligence, which includes AdMonsters and AdExchanger, as well as Chief Marketer, Cynopsis, PR News, Event Marketer and LeadsCon.

For more information on Ad Tech Accelerator and to sign up for workshops, click here.


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About AdMonsters

AdMonsters is the leading community for digital advertising operations and revenue optimization. AdMonsters provides insights, training and networking opportunities to help professionals and organizations stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, AdMonsters is dedicated to supporting the success of its members and the digital advertising ecosystem.

About AdExchanger

Since 2008, AdExchanger has engaged readers with award-winning and trendsetting coverage of programmatic advertising and the data-driven marketing technology ecosystem. It has earned a spot as the leading voice covering how technology and data are transforming digital media and advertising. Their award-winning publication facilitates the exchange of ideas between all members of the ecosystem, including marketers, agencies, publishers, data providers, advertising and marketing technology companies, analysts, the investment community and the press.

About Prohaska Consulting

Prohaska Consulting is an award-winning global digital consultancy that provides strategic advisory services to clients across the marketing technology landscape. Described by clients as “connectors, disruptors and data leaders,” Prohaska Consulting has helped more than 600 companies (brands, publishers agencies, tech, trade groups and more) grow revenue, create business opportunities, and increase operational effectiveness and efficiency. The company is globally headquartered in New York City, with more than 100 full-time, fractional and active freelance teammates around the world. Learn more at www.prohaskaconsulting.com.

Media Contact:
Becky Peck
Group Publisher
AdMonsters and AdExchanger
[email protected]

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