Home Strategy Promotion for Right Media’s Michael Walrath?

Promotion for Right Media’s Michael Walrath?


It has been two weeks since Valleywag offered up the news that former Right Media Exchange CEO, Michael Walrath, was loading up his truck and moving to arid Sunnyvale, California, where – rumor has it – he’ll be getting a promotion.

Certainly his genius in getting Yahoo! to buy the Right Media advertising exchange for approximately $700 million says something very positive about his leadership and deal-making abilities. It’s the type of creativity that Yahoo! needs in the home office.

In light of recent defections by the executive minions, Sue Decker and Hilary Schneider need all the help they can get.

If you haven’t seen it, here’s Mike Walrath’s birthday greeting from a man in a chicken suit. Great moment for all involved:

We’re guessing a Walrath promotion announcement will happen in early September. It’s unclear whether the man in the chicken suit will get a promotion, though.

Anybody buying Yahoo’s stock, yet? Anybody?

Anybody at all?

There’s actually a Part II to this video if you haven’t had enough:

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