7 Things You Should Know About California’s Privacy Watchdog
Here are a few fun facts about the CPPA that you can trot out at cocktail parties (depending on whether you hang out with privacy nerds).
Here are a few fun facts about the CPPA that you can trot out at cocktail parties (depending on whether you hang out with privacy nerds).
California’s privacy protections are considered by most privacy pros to be the toughest and most comprehensive in the nation. But the California Privacy Protection Agency has a budget of just $10 million to regulate against the largest technology companies in the world.
The US data privacy landscape is chaotic. The future of the recently proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act is now decidedly up in the air, and states are passing their own privacy laws in the absence of a federal one, which makes compliance complicated. Federal agencies like the FTC are also trying to fill the data privacy rulemaking void.