
  • Regarding Misconceptions About Data For Ad Targeting

    Jason Lynn is Chief Strategy Officer of interclick, an online advertising company. Lynn is responding to Hooman Radfar of Clearspring who authored a One Question piece recently – “What Is The Biggest Misconception About The Use Of Data For Ad Targeting?“… Leaders in the data targeting business uttered a collective ‘Amen’ to Hooman Radfar’s assertion […]

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  • Magnetic Continues To Focus On Search Retargeting Data, Adds Media Says CEO Shatkin-Margolis

    Magnetic CEO Josh Shatkin-Margolis spoke to recently about his company and the search retargeting data space. Click below or scroll down to read more: The Company’s Evolution Data Marketplace Observations Target Market How Does Magnetic Handle Creative Future Product Development Comparing Financial Markets To Ad Marketplaces The Privacy Debate Since we spoke a […]

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  • What Is The Biggest Misconception About The Use Of Data For Ad Targeting?

    Often, a question doesn’t have an easy answer in the digital advertising business. This is a column devoted to an answer to a single question – and providing a bit of space for it. Today’s participant is Hooman Radfar, CEO of Clearspring, which provides content sharing platform AddThis. He recently answered the following question during […]

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  • eXelate CEO Zagorski Discusses New DataLinX Platform And Company Strategy

    Today, data marketplace and management company eXelate announced its new DataLinX platform which the company says “enables publishers and data owners to not only manage access to their data through a system of configurable ‘plugs’, but also helps reduce the website impact of pixels by monitoring site latency and leveraging ‘pixeless’ integrations which create connections […]

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  • From Re:think 2011 - The CTR Means Nothing Says HP Researchers Leighton And Satiroglu

    The four-day, Advertising Research Foundation’s Re:think 2011 show was up and running in New York City today. And, there were few media buyers and sellers in sight as the analysts and researchers of the media world took over the Marriott Marquis to share notes, agree to disagree, and see if what’s in-house is up-to-date. A […]

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  • Baynote Providing Real-Time Content Personalization According to Behaviors Says CEO Merritt

    Doug Merritt is CEO of Baynote, a personalization and digital marketing optimization solutions provider. First, please share a bit of background on you. And what drew you to Baynote? DM: I’ve been in the technology industry for over 25 years and just joined Baynote in January. Most recently I was EVP Global on Demand […]

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  • Ebay Pulls The Plug On Intent Data Reseller Strategy

    Industry sources – and now Ebay itself – confirm that the online marketplace is pulling its intent data which had been for sale through many of the ecosystem’s online ad data targeting providers. In response to a query regarding whether Ebay pulled their data, Ebay spokesperson Johnna Hoff tells “eBay has always been an […]

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  • Red Aril Is A Pure-Play, Data Management Platform Says CEO Soss

    Jim Soss is CEO of Red Aril, a data management and audience optimization company.. What’s your background?  Why get into the startup world? JS: I began my career in enterprise software (prior to the Internet age), and I have been working specifically in the interactive marketing space for about 12 years now.  Prior to […]

  • CEO Ellenthal Discusses New Peer39 Quality And Safety Attributes

    On Wednesday, semantic technology provider Peer39 announced “the addition of two additional channels of attributes, Quality and Safety (…) Advertisers participating in secondary marketplaces and Real Time Bidding will now be able to define the environment in which their advertising will appear.” Read more. CEO Andy Ellenthal discussed the announcement and its implications. You’re […]

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  • Wish List - Part II: Regarding The Use Of Data In Digital Ad Targeting

    This is the second of a two-part series as we asked buy-siders: “If there was one thing you could change about the use of data in digital ad targeting tomorrow, what would it be?” Click on a participant’s name or scroll down to view responses: Adam Cahill, EVP, Media Director, Hill-Holliday Kurt Unkel, SVP, VivaKi […]

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