Home The Big Story The Big Story: Apple’s Epic Battle (And The Ghost Of iAd)

The Big Story: Apple’s Epic Battle (And The Ghost Of iAd)

The Big Story podcast

Epic has accused Apple of running a monopoly, and this week the trial concluded.

Why should we care over in advertising land? While there have been antitrust cases in Europe for some time, now they’re happening on big tech’s home turf. The District of Colombia filed a case against Amazon this week, and of course there’s the pending multistate antitrust case against Google.

While a decision is months away, this case could be a canary in the coal mine for more legal attacks against Big Tech in the future. We outline the strengths and weaknesses in each side’s case, and we discuss what soon-to-be confirmed FTC commissioner Lina Khan has said that alludes to this case.

Plus, in discovery, Apple had to share old slide decks about its advertising business, iAd, and why Apple business executives knew it was bleeding money and doomed without a key input – user data.

Finally, Twitter had all kinds of things to say about the trial, which we discuss – along with our own opinions – on this week’s episode of The Big Story.


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