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The Big Story: The Birds

The Big Story podcast

The quest to figure out the future of online identity continues. Between Google’s birdcage and the indie ad tech solutions under development, a lot of smart minds are coming together to try and solve the problem with their own twist.

But could these solutions end up creating new privacy challenges? One underreported problem is the potential threat of a new form of data leakage. As CafeMedia’s Paul Bannister – making his third appearance on The Big Story –  points out, intermediaries are nothing if not adept at finding new opportunities to scrape publisher data.

In this week’s show, Paul outlines how Google’s FLoC of TURTLEDOVES might be good for consumer privacy while simultaneously overexposing publisher data. He’ll also explain how the email-based identity resolution solutions that are starting to emerge from the ad tech industry (see:  The Trade Desk and LiveRamp) also open up the possibility of further data leakage.

And speaking of The Trade Desk and LiveRamp, the two have formed a partnership whereby the Unified ID 2.0 being spearheaded by TTD will integrate into the latter’s Authenticated Traffic Solution.

What does that improbable sentence even mean? Allison Schiff will break it all down.

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