Home The Big Story The Big Story: The Election Is Over! (Someone Tell Trump)

The Big Story: The Election Is Over! (Someone Tell Trump)

The Big Story podcast

Joe Biden won the presidential election, but it’s fair to say that voting in America has forever changed, from the massive uptick of mail-in ballots, to grassroots fundraising without the handshakes and the deluge of disinformation assailing the populace.

The AdExchanger team welcomes guest Mike Schneider, a partner at Bully Pulpit Interactive, who helped with Biden’s mobilization effort.

On Monday, BPI hosted a fascinating forum about their work for the Biden campaign, from inoculating against disinformation to figuring out how to message people through the pubs they trusted (including Fox). On this week’s episode, Mike swings by to dig a little deeper into some of BPI’s strategies, and how corporate advertising tactics have finally made their way into the political arena.

And after the break, we’ll talk about a new whoopsie daisy from Facebook. No, the social media giant isn’t breaking our democracy – in this latest instance, the stakes are far lower, but still annoying.

In short, Facebook’s conversion lift measurement tool went a bit wonky for about two weeks in August, due to a coding error. Facebook fixed it … but didn’t tell advertisers that there had been a problem until about a week ago.

So advertisers are a little perturbed, first because a bug existed at all and second because of the lack of transparency, which has become a frustrating fact of life when dealing with Facebook.

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