Home The Big Story The Big Story: The Squeeze On Streaming

The Big Story: The Squeeze On Streaming

The Big Story podcast

We’re into the dog days of summer, and if you’re not outside, you’re probably cooling off – by streaming. But everything’s not going so hot on the streaming front.

Many streaming services are struggling to grow subscribers, so they’re making the decision to raise prices for their existing subscribers. Streaming is getting more expensive than ever – but is that good news for the streaming ads business, or more of a mixed blessing?

Our associate editor Alyssa Boyle, who authors our weekly connected TV newsletter, weighs in on what the latest batch of quarterly results from streamers means for the future of connected TV.

Then, Americans are heading to Europe in hordes this summer. But when it comes to data, traveling between Europe in the US isn’t so easy. Changes in how data transfer is regulated from the EU to the US will affect the ads business, advises our Managing Editor Allison Schiff, who authors our data privacy newsletter.

And this summer hasn’t been so hot for Meta and Apple, as the two behemoths face intersecting data privacy and antitrust complaints.

Stay until the end to find out why our managing editor Allison Schiff, who also authors our data privacy newsletter, detests the term “privacy safe.”

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