Home Data-Driven Thinking He Said What? AdExchanger’s Most Popular Opinions Of 2018

He Said What? AdExchanger’s Most Popular Opinions Of 2018


AdExchanger’s opinion columns present sharp arguments that illuminate specific industry challenges and provide critical insight that can help readers do their jobs better. The very best columns are engaging, on-point and fun to read.

Our 10 most popular op-eds of 2018 below delivered on each count.

We have to give a gold star to Martin Kihn (formerly of Gartner and now at Salesforce), author of three of our most-read columns. Not far behind is MightyHive, the consultancy recently acquired by S4 that contributed two of our top columns.

Will we see another AdExchanger op-ed written by Kihn and MightyHive in 2019? Perhaps only their new handlers know for sure (wink wink).

Did Google Just Kill Independent Attribution?

By Martin Kihn

Google sent shockwaves through the industry in late April when it announced that it would restrict buyers’ use of the DoubleClick ID. Kihn puts the controversial move under the glass and predicts the likely winners and losers (sorry, independent MTA vendors).

What Is This Thing We Call A CDP?

By Martin Kihn

People have long griped about the digital advertising industry’s obsession with the latest shiny object. The newest shiny acronym to hit is the CDP (customer data platform). Kihn breaks down the pros and cons of the tech that aspires to bridge marketers’ siloed data and systems.

A Closer Look At Demand-Path Optimization: Why Humans Matter


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By Erik Requidan

Supply-path optimization is increasingly used to help buyers find the most efficient and cost-effective route to the ad inventory they want. But some publishers are trying to meet them halfway from the other direction. Intermarket’s Erik Requidan explains.

Is The DMP Finally Dead?

By Martin Kihn

As the CDP sparkles, so fades the luster of the data-management platform. But will the death rattles surrounding this third-party data workhorse ring true? Only if you want them to, Kihn opines.

The Strategic Impact Of GDPR (With Emoji)

By Ari Paparo

Ari Paparo says he’s no expert on the General Data Protection Regulation, but he is quite skilled at using flaming euros and GDPR baguettes to illustrate how this far-reaching law will affect the industry’s constituents. And if there is anyone who can more eloquently describe how sausage-making compares to ad tech, we haven’t met them.

What Will Ad Tech Consolidation Look Like?

By Pete Kim

MightyHive’s CEO gives his take on how the winners of the ad tech game will consolidate around four key strengths – an interesting view from the leader of a company that was itself just acquired.

Forget Viewability: Your Ads Aren’t Serving

By Bennett Rosenblatt

While many people are concerned about viewability, they should instead be examining whether their ads are even being served. A fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how Uber discovered that exchanges aren’t monitoring their inventory for even basic issues.

Acxiom’s Next Steps And The LiveRamp Acquisition Four Years Later

By Auren Hoffman

The industry has watched Acxiom’s moves to sell all or some of its business units closely. The former CEO of LiveRamp – one of Acxiom’s prized units – provides the inside track on possible outcomes.

Google Hasn’t Killed Attribution Modeling – It Never Really Worked To Begin With

By Nico Neumann

We like strong viewpoints, and this one’s sharp elbows didn’t disappoint. (Sorry again, independent MTA vendors. You guys just can’t catch a break this year.)

The Seventh Deadly Sin Of Digital: Reach And Frequency

By Ming Wu

Another winner from MightyHive shows how marketers’ quest for reach and frequency can lead them to the dark side.

Must Read

Comic: What Else? (Google, Jedi Blue, Project Bernanke)

Project Cheat Sheet: A Rundown On All Of Google’s Secret Internal Projects, As Revealed By The DOJ

What do Hercule Poirot, Ben Bernanke, Star Wars and C.S. Lewis have in common? If you’re an ad tech nerd, you’ll know the answer immediately.

shopping cart

The Wonderful Brand Discusses Testing OOH And Online Snack Competition

Wonderful hadn’t done an out-of-home (OOH) marketing push in more than 15 years. That is, until a week ago, when it began a campaign across six major markets to promote its new no-shell pistachio packs.

Google filed a motion to exclude the testimony of any government witnesses who aren’t economists or antitrust experts during the upcoming ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

Google Is Fighting To Keep Ad Tech Execs Off the Stand In Its Upcoming Antitrust Trial

Google doesn’t want AppNexus founder Brian O’Kelley – you know, the godfather of programmatic – to testify during its ad tech antitrust trial starting on September 9.

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How HUMAN Uncovered A Scam Serving 2.5 Billion Ads Per Day To Piracy Sites

Publishers trafficking in pirated movies, TV shows and games sold programmatic ads alongside this stolen content, while using domain cloaking to obscure the “cashout sites” where the ads actually ran.

In 2019, Google moved to a first-price auction and also ceded its last look advantage in AdX, in part because it had to. Most exchanges had already moved to first price.

Thanks To The DOJ, We Now Know What Google Really Thought About Header Bidding

Starting last week and into this week, hundreds of court-filed documents have been unsealed in the lead-up to the Google ad tech antitrust trial – and it’s a bonanza.

Will Alternative TV Currencies Ever Be More Than A Nielsen Add-On?

Ever since Nielsen was dinged for undercounting TV viewers during the pandemic, its competitors have been fighting to convince buyers and sellers alike to adopt them as alternatives. And yet, some industry insiders argue that alt currencies weren’t ever meant to supplant Nielsen.