Home Online Advertising AdExchanger.com Predictions for 2011: Platforms, Networks, Exchanges – Part III

AdExchanger.com Predictions for 2011: Platforms, Networks, Exchanges – Part III


AdExchanger.com 2011 Predictions: Platforms, Networks, Exchanges - Part IIIAdExchanger.com reached out to executives from platforms, networks and exchanges for their predictions about the digital advertising ecosystem in 2011. This is part three of their predictions.

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Jeff Green, CEO, The Trade Desk

  • Search and display will continue to integrate with one another and create momentum around full-funnel attribution.
  • Advertisers will begin to digest the technological advances that have happened over the last 24 months.
  • RTB will advance in adoption and continue as the fastest growing segment of Display.
  • 2011 will be a better year for marketing budgets and Online will get more of the overall budgets than ever before.
  • Data leakage/data protection will become the central data issue of 2011.
  • In 2H 2011 online advertising M&A will heat up substantially as compared to 2008 to today.

Jay Habegger, CEO, OwnerIQ

  • 2010 was the year of gaining access to audience data. Media-buying DSPs and ad networks asked us to believe that access to data implied the ability to use it. As clients raise their eyebrows at lackluster audience-targeting performance, however, the buzz will center on the ability to use data to drive results for advertisers. Ability to use data, not merely access, will drive the audience-buying stories of 2011.

Brent Halliburton, CEO, Deconstruct Media

  • 2010 was a year that saw more adoption of previous innovation than introductions of new technology. While it is exciting to watch technology innovations round themselves into whole products and find market adoption, I hope to see more break-through thinking introduced in 2011 – if you have an idea, talk to me about it.

David Jakubowski, CEO, Aggregate Knowledge

  • Big advertisers will realize that they are using audience-centric ad strategies but inventory-centric measurement and execution tools.  2011 will be the last year that inventory will be the dominant pivot point.
  • The DSP layer will expose the unruly margins being charged by current arbitrage players.
  • Agencies will figure out that one DSP won’t fit all. Two to three DSPs will be needed across the agency.
  • Retargeting will be exposed as the “emperor’s new clothes” of ad targeting.
  • Mobile will lay the groundwork for a 2012 ad explosion.

Josh McFarland, CEO, TellApart

  • 2011 is the year of the click.  The ad exchange infrastructure, user data, targeting technologies and dynamic creatives have finally materialized to yield user CTRs that rival search.  RIP, false view-based metrics… the click is back.

Andy Monfried, CEO, Lotame

  • Major advertisers will begin the process of looking towards smaller, more nimble agencies, who are heavy in engineering, and creative talent – and less reliant on media planning and buying.  2011 will be the beginning of the trend of “smaller independent shops” taking away significant business from larger more established agencies and holding companies.

Murthy Nukala, CEO, Adchemy

  • New technologies and abstraction layers will emerge that reduce complexity in digital advertising – making online ads more relevant for users and digital agencies more profitable.

Alan Pearlstein, CEO, Cross Pixel Media

  • “Audience Planner” becomes the hot, new job title at interactive agencies.
  • Audience data is utilized to personalize publisher content, not just display advertising.
  • Retargeting helps calm the privacy debate.   Here’s my logic: retargeting becomes so commonplace and pervasive in 2011 that consumers are exposed to retargeting campaigns constantly.  Consumers will begin to understand how audience targeting works through their personal experiences with retargeting and become comfortable with the practice.  Awareness, education and experience leads to acceptance by most consumers.

Eric Picard, Chief Product Officer, TRAFFIQ


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  • Privacy and targeting are going to run headlong into each other in 2011. The industry has got to figure out a way to resolve that problem. I don’t know if we’ll see legislation this year or next year, but I predict in the next few years we’re going to see it. A lot of businesses have built their revenue models around the ability to follow people as they move around the Internet and track what they’re doing without their consent. I believe we’ll be forced to move to an opt-in model over the next 1-3 years.
  • Also, we’re going to see brand budgets start to spend in real-time bidded inventory or use programmatic buying. The fastest growing segment of new spends in 2011 will be brand budgets.

JB Rudelle, CEO, Criteo

  • Display advertising technology will become even more sophisticated, including the ability to drive automated real-time creative optimization, driving substantial levels of campaign performance and ROI for e-commerce companies and advertisers.
  • Online advertisers will realize huge benefits from shopper-specific (personalized) technology that combines real-time creative optimization with real-time bidding and buying – allowing e-commerce merchants to maximize display campaign reach & results.
  • Performance display ad campaigns will become substantial complements to traditional search campaigns due to the greater scalability, reach and ROI.

Vlad Stesin, co-founder, AdGear

  • Widespread emergence of “private pipes” between agencies and premium publishers as both parties create controlled environments where advertisers can benefit from the holy trinity of quality of formats, context and data – but at a price.
  • Facebook display network becomes the golden standard in data for display, making data companies feel more pressure and pivot towards business models emphasizing more transparency.
  • As brand advertisers push the ecosystem towards richer, bolder formats, SSPs play an increasingly important role in enabling brand dollars to pour in.

Read more predictions:

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